White paper - 27 points to understand the challenges of Cloud Computing2023-04-26T07:21:50+02:00

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27 points to understand the challenges of Cloud Computing

Discover Cloud Computing and its challenges


  • What is Cloud Computing?
  • Where does it come from?
  • SAAS - PAAS and IAAS
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Business Cloud
  • Security of Cloud

Learn more about cloud computing

Cloud Computing, a system for the permanent provision of computer services via the Internet, provides shared access to data and programs that are stored on a "cloud" system, accessible through remote computer servers.

This digital architecture is the opposite of local storage, which has become unsuitable due to a lack of agility. Thanks to Cloud Computing, it is now possible to centralize the storage of many types of IT services (applications, servers, databases, software, analysis tools, artificial intelligence) via free synchronization and on demand.

The Cloud has widely entered our companies and is fully part of our professional and even personal lives. However, what has become commonplace is not always understood in a global and exhaustive way. It has many advantages, but requires a mastery of all the definitions, issues and levels of risk that it can present, in order for the project to be successful.

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