Hosting cloud its applications at Cloud : RGPD, the right to be forgotten, hacking... Data is at the heart of the turmoil. But such phenomena in no way detract from the crucial role of data in the enterprise. Sensitive, medical or personal, all digital data must be effectively protected by its holder.

Hosting Cloud, a secure solution for your applications

Thanks to the various developments in ICT, it would seem that the Cloud appears to be a reliable, accessible and relevant solution for data storage. Especially when they are produced in mass. Secured, the Cloud also ensures availability for the teams that process these data.

Today, there is an unprecedented variety of Cloud : private clouds, public clouds, hybrid clouds... The choice is (far too) vast. CIOs have to judge solutions according to a whole range of criteria, and are faced with sometimes obscure information. What should they focus on first? Does all information deserve the same attention? How do you sort?

Download our guide to Cloud : 27 essential points to understand the issues!

Hosting cloud promises data security and accessibility for your applications.

Added to this is the issue of availability. The data placed in security is not intended to remain as in a safe. It is processed, analyzed, modelled and transformed. Employees need easy, multi-site access to the data they are working on. We have to find a way to reconcile access and security. Here again, what are the criteria to be taken into account? How do you not choose one at the expense of the other? What is the right balance to find?

To the two previous questions, add a third question: that of reversibility. When data is hosted outside of your space, what about recovery? You will have to find a solution that allows you to keep control of your data and gives you the possibility to retrieve it at any time. To answer these and other questions, we have created BS Academy: a range of seminars open to all and completely free of charge. The seminars cover issues such as Cloud, digital, collaboration, agility and many other topics. If you have a problem in mind, don't hesitate to share it with us, we will be delighted to address it!

See you soon in our seminars.

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