In this first quarter of 2018, the Blue Soft group is getting stronger with a new acquisition - Prosmart Solutions that will take the group to the next level.

Prosmart Solutions and Blue Soft aim for €60 million in sales in 2018

The Prosmart Solutions teams join the group's organizational chart Blue Soft ! Thanks to this takeover, the group, which is aiming for €60 million in sales in 2018, acquires the knowledge and experience of the IT consulting firm Prosmart Solutions.

"The Prosmart Solutions team consolidates our 500 experts and consultants.. It's a fantastic opportunity for Blue Soft to strengthen its position in the Telecom Operators and Banking sectors, particularly in Middleware-related Infrastructure activities.
Thierry Boccara, co-president of Blue Soft

A more impressive common customer base

This is the 7th acquisition in France since the creation of Blue Soft in 2008: the customer portfolio is growing and now passes the 150 customer mark! Last year, the group recorded a growth of over 15%.

" Thanks to Blue Soft, we will be able to take full advantage of the growth of our market. We share with Blue Soft this ambition to bring together the best skills to offer our clients a 360° vision."
Bogdan Degeratu, Director of Prosmart Solutions

Thierry Boccara and Ludovic Hayat, founders of Blue Soft, do not exclude other acquisitions in the near future: "We remain on the lookout for acquisitions of companies that share our vision and offer proven technological added value. The goal of our approach is to bring together the best skills and technological expertise to offer organizations a global vision of the changes to be made and a capacity for targeted action.

Blue Soft offers its clients a global view of the changes to be made in view of the digital transition and a capacity for targeted action thanks to its numerous expertises. To learn more about our offers, please visit the dedicated page.

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