Conceived as an answer to the duality between developers and operational staff, the DevOps culture is spreading to the point of taking place in 37% of global enterprises. But a DevOps team doesn't work without its tools. Few groups operate without the help of software, the most popular solutions being open source. Find the most powerful free and non-free tools on the market in our guide.

CI/CD development

CI/CD development translates the testing phase that challenges the code. CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment. Rather than development teams delivering their source code to operations in a single block at a single point in time, code is tested as it is written or modified. Integration and deployment tools reduce the time needed to create new features. The code, functional since it has been verified, will serve as a basis for the operational staff.


The project hosting and programming service has been the star of CI/CD tools for some time. By recording all source code changes, GitHub allows you to track the progress of work and get an overview of the work history. Very advantageous for a team, GitHub merges source codes.


GitHub's adversary allows you to create open source projects with a comprehensive set of tools: project wikis, access to a MySQL DB, unique subdomain urls, metrics and analytics.

Alternative CI/CD tools

If you want to avoid the first two sources, turn to GitLab and its easy access to Azure DevOps; Bitbucket and its complete environment that includes a powerful issue tracking tool; or Beanstalk, which allows you to code, test and deploy directly from a browser.

Configuration management

It gathers the processes that validate the conformity of a product to the various requirements during its entire life cycle.


Ansible automates common tasks such as provisioning in cloud, application deployment and IT orchestration. It facilitates the installation, configuration and modification of one or more servers in a predictable and declarative manner.


Jenkins allows teams to monitor the completion of repeated tasks. The tool leverages its many plugins to deliver an easy-to-use solution that is practical in automation configurations and regression testing.

Infrastructure as code

It encrypts all processes to automate repeatable tasks such as provisioning, configuration or deployments. Most platforms follow the UNIX philosophy: they do one thing, but they do it well.


The Terraform software environment focuses primarily on infrastructure provisioning. It automates the construction of resources and facilitates the definition of typologies cloud for the major infrastructure providers.

Boosting production

With containers, applications are packaged with their execution context. They are delivered with all their necessary software, libraries and documents. These immutable packages cross teams from development to production.


Open source software focuses on standardization and specification of containers to build a healthy ecosystem. Its goal? Run only one application. Its system is based on a minimalist use of files, a simple management of services startup and immutable containers.


Kubernetes presents itself as a container orchestration platform, it houses a significant amount of packages. Beyond its platform service, Kubernetes automates the process of managing a wide range of these containers.

Infrastructure monitoring

Used at the end of the process, monitoring allows you to analyze and draw lessons from the deployment of architectures and developments. Its goal: to find and extract improvement paths.


The cross-platform free software focuses on data visualization. Through a dashboard and its graphs, it facilitates the reading of information and accelerates the analysis of bugs and their resolution.

ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

ELK stack collects and analyzes the most common logs from the IT world. It centralizes the data in order to solve problems, monitor applications or perform audits. Via Logstach, the stack collects the data and makes email or SMS alerts possible.


By recording metrics in real time, Prometheus responds to requests with a simple query language and generates alerts. In a single tool, teams bring together a multidimensional database, a scalable collection mechanism and a powerful query language.

Many other tools exist on the market and it is not intended to be exhaustive. On this subject, we have just published a 10 DevOps tools guide that will help you make your choice! You will find a detailed explanation of each solution, their price and their main advantages and disadvantages.

devops tools guide

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