Whether you're a technology enthusiast, a seasoned developer or simply curious about what's going on in the news, it can be interesting to discover the IT development trends that are currently shaping the digital age.


The rise of Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence is increasingly dominating the IT market. AI algorithms are now part of our daily lives, as in the virtual assistants of our autonomous cars and our connected household objects.

It's true that today, using artificial intelligence can be a considerable help in doing everyday tasks, but it's a double-edged sword. IIt's important to know how to use it intelligently, and not to forget that it's a robot, not a human, and that an expert will always be able to perform certain tasks better than this intelligence.

Recent advances in AI have been revolutionary. Deep neural networks, inspired by the workings of the human brain, now enable machines to learn to recognize complex patterns in the data they analyze. This can be seen in applications such as image recognition, machine translation and behavior prediction.

Find out more at https://experiences.microsoft.fr/articles/intelligence-artificielle/reseau-de-neurones-bases/

Of course, artificial intelligence can never replace an experienced developer, or a specialist in Microsoft solutions. But let's not forget that anyone can have access to it, so why deprive ourselves of help when all our competitors are using it? The technique is to make it part of our daily lives, while relying on our own expertise.

Further information https://www.bluesoft-group.com/reussir-sa-carriere-dans-le-developpement/


The Explosion of Web-based Applications Cloud


cloud computing has become a necessity for modern businesses. It's time to move away from physical servers and use cloud services to store, manage and deploy your organization's internal and external data.

To increase their flexibility and agility, organizations are using cloud hydride and multicloud. Mhat is it? We've been hearing about cloud for years, but it too has been reinvented. The Cloud hybrid allows both internal and external data to be stored, enabling companies to manage their critical data as well as their costs. Multicloud, on the other hand, means that the company in question uses different public cloud services to manage its own data, in order to enhance the capabilities of the cloud infrastructure as a whole, and once again optimize costs.

Also worth knowing: https://www.forbes.fr/technologie/informatique-en-nuage-les-dix-grandes-tendances-pour-2024/

In a world where employees are increasingly working from home. To be able to work from anywhere, they need access to all their documents, applications and digital infrastructures to ensure the smooth running of their missions. cloud is vital if these organizations are to guarantee a healthy working environment for their employees, and continue to evolve while maintaining access to flexibility.


New cybersecurity methods


As technologies evolve, so do cyber threats. Cyber attacks have become increasingly sophisticated, jeopardizing the security of data and IT systems worldwide.

As explained earlier, organizations are looking for ever greater flexibility for their employees by introducing a teleworking policy. For this to work, regulations and data confidentiality must be respected. Cybersecurity, or rather data protection, comes into play. The same applies to privacy protection, which continues to grow in importance. Consumers are wary of applications and websites because they are aware of their data and privacy rights. We need to be more transparent and demanding about the techniques and infrastructures used to achieve this.

For more information: https://www.bluesoft-group.com/cybersecurite-iot/

The notion of Zero Trust is a recurrent theme in cybersecurity. From definition, always check and never trust, this method is now becoming a security standard because of its ability to adapt to modern working environments. And we always come back to telecommuting or using mobile devices to work. It helps organizations secure their various networks and increase their defense strategies against digital threats.


Watch our video on this subject, explained by our expert César MOUROT :




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