What is a QA (Quality Assurance) Manager or Test Manager?



Quality Assurance Manager (QA Manager) is a very mysterious word for a very useful job within the group Blue Soft. Let's go back to the head of our test team, Arnaud Walet, to find out more about his job, its constraints and its advantages.

QA Manager or test manager: job description

To begin with, the main objective of this role. It is to put in place all the tools and processes to test the applications or sprints that are developed. The QA manager intervenes within a development team. He tests the achievements of his colleagues and improves the finished product. To do this, he/she will have to test the entire scope to ensure that the deliverable or what is going to be delivered works correctly.

Not to be confused with the people in charge of testing, who write the test scenarios and execute them. The QA Manager supervises, trains and accompanies the testers while setting up the tools on which the test teams will work.

Arnaud sums up: "The main functionality is to guarantee the quality of an application, i.e. its proper functioning.

A position as agile as development

The QA manager, like his colleagues, lives with the development of features. These can be very evolving. Arnaud explains: "Applications are constantly being developed and evolving, whether through new features or updates to the framework. We have to do regression testing to make sure that the application still works as it did before. This agility is both a complexity and one of the major advantages of this job, as Arnaud explains: "What I like about the QA job is the possibility of working in a lot of different technological fields and it's true that we have quite a few possibilities. We are lucky enough to have the entire data chain, from the database to the display, including processing.

QA Manager, the agent that gets under the user's skin

Testing, testing and re-testing means imagining the user's usage paths over and over again and constantly putting yourself in his shoes. "You have to put yourself in the user's shoes and think of all the crazy things that could happen in production. Maybe once in a hundred, once in a thousand, but at least cover it on our side and make sure that the application responds as specified.

A business that guarantees user satisfaction

Arnaud describes his work in relation to app quality and customer satisfaction."It's a job that is not well known but that tends to develop for the simple reason that in the digital age, when we download an app, go to a restaurant or whatever: we often look at the reviews. The first reflex we would have to order something is to look at the reviews. Well, for an application, generally, when we download it or when we use it, we look at the reviews to know if it is stable and if it does not crash. And in fact, the reviews reflect the quality of the application. Definitely a rewarding and vital role in our digital design business.


Want to join us as a tester or QA manager? Check our job offers

What is a QA (Quality Assurance) Manager or Test Manager?



Quality Assurance Manager (QA Manager) is a very mysterious word for a very useful job within the group Blue Soft. Let's go back to the head of our test team, Arnaud Walet, to find out more about his job, its constraints and its advantages.

QA Manager or test manager: job description

To begin with, the main objective of this role. It is to put in place all the tools and processes to test the applications or sprints that are developed. The QA manager intervenes within a development team. He tests the achievements of his colleagues and improves the finished product. To do this, he/she will have to test the entire scope to ensure that the deliverable or what is going to be delivered works correctly.

Not to be confused with the people in charge of testing, who write the test scenarios and execute them. The QA Manager supervises, trains and accompanies the testers while setting up the tools on which the test teams will work.

Arnaud sums up: "The main functionality is to guarantee the quality of an application, i.e. its proper functioning.

A position as agile as development

The QA manager, like his colleagues, lives with the development of features. These can be very evolving. Arnaud explains: "Applications are constantly being developed and evolving, whether through new features or updates to the framework. We have to do regression testing to make sure that the application still works as it did before. This agility is both a complexity and one of the major advantages of this job, as Arnaud explains: "What I like about the QA job is the possibility of working in a lot of different technological fields and it's true that we have quite a few possibilities. We are lucky enough to have the entire data chain, from the database to the display, including processing.

QA Manager, the agent that gets under the user's skin

Testing, testing and re-testing means imagining the user's usage paths over and over again and constantly putting yourself in his shoes. "You have to put yourself in the user's shoes and think of all the crazy things that could happen in production. Maybe once in a hundred, once in a thousand, but at least cover it on our side and make sure that the application responds as specified.

A business that guarantees user satisfaction

Arnaud describes his work in relation to app quality and customer satisfaction."It's a job that is not well known but that tends to develop for the simple reason that in the digital age, when we download an app, go to a restaurant or whatever: we often look at the reviews. The first reflex we would have to order something is to look at the reviews. Well, for an application, generally, when we download it or when we use it, we look at the reviews to know if it is stable and if it does not crash. And in fact, the reviews reflect the quality of the application. Definitely a rewarding and vital role in our digital design business.


Want to join us as a tester or QA manager? Check our job offers