What is a Fullstack developer?
In just a few years, the fullstack developer has become one of the most sought-after profiles in the world of IT programming. And with good reason: in a context of accelerating digital transformation, companies are looking for versatile developers, capable of working on all the layers of a web or mobile application, from backend to frontend to infrastructure. The backend manages business logic, data and infrastructure, while the frontend takes care of the user interface and user experience. A fullstack developer therefore masters all the skills required to develop an application from start to finish, like a Swiss army knife of programming, to meet the market's needs for responsiveness and agility...
This craze is particularly pronounced in the ecosystem of start-ups and small teams, who need jack-of-all-trades to launch their products quickly. Rather than recruiting a team of specialists, it can be tempting to opt for a fullstack developer, who is expected to master the entire software development chain. This quest for the rare pearl can be found in many job offers.
But what does the job of a fullstack developer really entail these days? Between the numerous JavaScript frameworks flourishing on the front end, and the explosion of cloud solutions and microservices architectures on the back end, is it realistic to expect a single developer to be an expert in all these areas? Do we risk sacrificing code quality and user experience by trying to do everything ourselves? These are all questions worth asking.
To answer this question, we take a look at the key skills expected of a fullstack developer, as well as the advantages and limitations of this type of profile. This insight is provided by Grégory, a fullstack developer at Blue Soft, who shares with us his day-to-day experience between back-end, front-end and support. The result is a nuanced portrait of this fast-changing profession.
To find out more, read our article on IT development trends.
The key skills of a fullstack developer
Being a fullstack developer is a bit like being a chef who masters every technique, from starter to dessert. It's a wide range of skills, requiring constant juggling between the different facets of software development.
On the front-end, the fullstack developer must already be comfortable with the basic web languages: HTML for page structure, CSS for formatting, and JavaScript to make everything interactive and dynamic. But it's no longer enough to simply know how to manipulate the DOM, as was the case ten years ago. Today, mastery of one or more frameworks is essential for building rich, responsive interfaces. Whether it's React, Angular, Vue.js or Svelte, the fullstack developer needs to keep abreast of the constant evolutions of this teeming ecosystem.
Beyond code, they must also cultivate a sensitivity to web design and user experience, in order to offer interfaces that are both aesthetically pleasing, intuitive and accessible. Designing a responsive website, optimizing loading times, ensuring cross-browser compatibility... these are just some of the challenges the fullstack must rise to in order to deliver the best possible end-user experience.
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Behind the scenes, the fullstack developer must master a whole world of back-end technologies. PHP, Java, Python, Ruby... they need to master at least one server language, as well as associated frameworks such as Symfony, Spring Boot, Django or Ruby on Rails. Their role is to develop the application's business logic, in interaction with the database. Whether SQL or NoSQL, the fullstack juggles different paradigms to optimally store and query data.
And then there's the whole deployment and infrastructure aspect, often underestimated but nonetheless crucial. Being at ease with the terminal, knowing how to administer a Linux server, scripting tasks, managing containers, configuring a CI/CD pipeline... the fullstack developer is also a bit ops around the edges. In an increasingly "cloud native" world, they need to understand the main principles of cloud computing, serverless and microservices architectures, in order to make the right technical choices.
To find out more about containerization, take a look at our article.
But beyond all these technical skills, it's also in their ability to embrace a project in its entirety that fullstack developers draw their added value. Understanding the customer's business needs, writing functional and technical specifications, designing a robust and scalable architecture, estimating workloads, coordinating resources... the fullstack developer's role is often akin to that of a technical project manager, in agile mode.
Finally, to link all these skills together, the fullstack developer cultivates essential cross-disciplinary competencies. Autonomy, curiosity, constant monitoring, team spirit and communication skills are all essential to the success of their missions. Because while the myth of the "ninja" who codes in his own corner may be hard to dispel, the reality of the profession is quite different: the fullstack developer is first and foremost a developer among others, who must be able to collaborate and share his knowledge.
To find out more, our tips for a career in development
The advantages of being a fullstack developer
The reason why companies are so keen to recruit fullstack developers is that this profile offers a number of advantages in today's environment. Here's an overview of the main advantages of cultivating this versatility.
The first of these is the ability to take an overall view of a development project. Where specialists sometimes have a "siloed" view of their perimeter, the fullstack embraces the entire production chain, from design to production launch. This invaluable perspective enables them to make the right architectural choices, anticipate problems and optimize overall performance. When a bug occurs, he can quickly identify whether it comes from the front or the back, without passing the buck between teams. This saves time and increases efficiency.
This global vision also enables the fullstack developer to communicate more effectively with the various parties involved in a project. Firstly, with the customer, to understand their business needs and propose the most appropriate solutions. But also with creative teams, by being able to discuss with UX and UI designers to design interfaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and high-performance. Or with business experts and end-users, to gather their feedback and develop the application accordingly. By acting as a link between these different interlocutors, the fullstack greatly facilitates collaboration and co-construction within a project.
Another major advantage is their versatility and adaptability. In a constantly evolving sector like web and mobile development, where frameworks and tools are constantly being renewed, knowing how to switch from one technology to another is a real plus. Thanks to their knowledge of several languages and paradigms, fullstack developers can quickly build up their skills in a new technical area, and thus cope with any changes of direction that occur during the course of a project. This agility is invaluable in responding to changing market and user needs.
That's why fullstack profiles are so popular with startups and small guerilla teams. When resources are scarce and every recruitment counts, it's best to bet on a jack-of-all-trades developer, capable of carrying a large part of the project alone. This "resourceful" profile fits in well with the mindset of start-ups, where creativity is often required to get around obstacles. Even if the code isn't perfect at first, the key is to quickly deliver a first viable product, to test it with users and raise funds. The fullstack developer is the ideal Swiss Army knife for this type of mission.
Last but not least, it's also a profile that offers excellent career prospects. After a few years of dabbling in everything, the fullstack developer has acquired solid experience and a thorough understanding of project challenges. It's enough to aim for positions of responsibility, such as lead developer or software architect. Some even go on to create their own start-ups, backed by their business vision and end-to-end mastery of the development chain. Proof that versatility doesn't prevent you from delving deeper into an area of expertise - quite the opposite, in fact: it opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
Limits and points of vigilance for the fullstack developer
While the profile of a fullstack developer has many advantages, it also has certain limitations of which you need to be aware. Contrary to popular belief, a fullstack developer is not a development "superhero", capable of excelling on all fronts at the same time.
The first pitfall is the difficulty of maintaining a high level of expertise across such a broad spectrum of skills. Let's face it: it's an illusion to be at the top of every technology, every framework, every best practice from front-end to back-end, especially given the frenetic pace of innovation in the sector. Whereas a specialized developer can focus on a specific area and master all its intricacies, a fullstack developer often has to make do with a more superficial knowledge, at the risk of missing out on certain subtleties. A jack of all trades, master of none.
This is particularly true of front-end development, which is sometimes the poor relation among fullstack developers. Pressed by back-end needs and production launch, some tend to neglect the user interface, coding pages in haste without regard to HTML quality, responsiveness or accessibility. This neglect can quickly become problematic, as it is the front-end that is the showcase of a web application. A wobbly, slow or poorly designed site may have a solid back-end architecture, but it won't convince users. Hence the importance of not sacrificing this part of the chain.
Another common misconception is that you want to do everything yourself, like an almighty code god. Carried away by their enthusiasm, fullstack developers can sometimes overestimate their abilities and exhaust themselves trying to manage everything from A to Z, without delegating or asking for help. Even the best developer has his limits. On large-scale projects, it's often more effective to build a team with specialists in each field, rather than putting everything in the hands of a single person. A fullstack developer needs to know how to play as part of a team.
This is all the more true when you consider that technology watch and ongoing training are absolute necessities if you want to keep up with the times. When you're a jack-of-all-trades, it's hard to find the time to keep abreast of the latest developments, test out new tools or hone your skills on a new framework. And it's all the more time-consuming because you have to do it on all fronts at once, from CSS to NoSQL to DevOps. It's enough to make you dizzy, and risk burn-out if you don't know how to take your foot off the gas from time to time.
Finally, the myth of the fullstack "ninja" can also backfire when it comes to promoting a developer's skills. By trying to be too all-encompassing, you can give the image of a jack-of-all-trades with no real expertise, and struggle to gain recognition for the value of your versatility. This is the paradox of the fullstacker: building a solid, well-paid career on such a generalist profile is not always easy. You have to know how to "sell" your multiple skills as an asset, without coming across as a low-end Swiss Army knife.
Interested in code quality? Read our article on QA tools
Testimony of Grégory, fullstack developer
To embody these reflections on the profession of fullstack developer, let's take a look at Grégory, who has been in the profession for over 10 years. Currently working for Blue Soft, an ESN with a presence in France and Europe, he shares his views on his day-to-day life and the challenges of his job.
A lifelong computer enthusiast, Grégory began his career in web development before branching out into video games for almost 15 years. This experience enabled him to work with many different technologies. "In IT anyway, I've never really left the programming side, I've always done it," he explains.
Two years ago, Grégory joined Blue Soft when his previous company, Coaxis, was bought out. "I was able to keep my Swiss Army knife, jack-of-all-trades side, and transpose it to larger-scale projects at Blue Soft ", he recounts. This change of scale has enabled him to enhance his skills, particularly in terms of cloud architectures and agile methods.
Today, as a fullstack developer, he is involved in all project components, from Java back-end to Angular front-end, including databases and deployment. He sees this versatility as an opportunity to constantly challenge himself. "There's always something new to learn," he says.
But this versatility also has its challenges on a daily basis, admits Grégory. "I'm constantly challenging myself. I try to maintain a cross-functional skill set, not necessarily a high level of expertise, but an ability to find answers quickly, whatever the subject". It's a balancing act that requires great curiosity and constant technological watch.
To recharge his batteries, Grégory particularly appreciates moments of exchange and sharing with his colleagues. Whether it's answering questions from work-study students, debating technological choices with his peers, or simply spending a convivial moment at lunchtime, he is attached to the team spirit that reigns in his company. "It's very studious, but also very human, and there's a real sense of positive emulation," he says.
A balance between technical challenge and a fulfilling work environment seems to be the driving force behind this passionate developer. And while he admits that he will no doubt need to specialize in the long term to move towards positions of responsibility, Grégory has no regrets about his choice to be a fullstack developer. "It's a job where you never get bored, where you have to get out of your comfort zone. But that's also what makes it exciting!"
To listen to Grégory's full testimonial, discover our podcast, Chroniques de Talents Bleus.
At the end of this overview, one thing is certain: the profession of fullstack developer leaves no one indifferent. Adulated by some, criticized by others, it has crystallized the debates on the evolution of software development in recent years. Should it be seen as the absolute grail of the developer or, on the contrary, as an unattainable myth? The truth probably lies somewhere in between.
What emerges from our analysis is that there's no such thing as a typical fullstack developer profile. Above all, it's a question of balance and adaptation, depending on your experience, your skills and the projects you work on. Some will see it as an opportunity to vary the pleasures of the job, and gain 360° skills. Others may prefer to specialize in a particular technology and aim for expertise. The most important thing is to find the right formula to flourish in your profession.
Because if there's one thing everyone agrees on, it's that versatility shouldn't come at the expense of quality. A fullstack developer is not a superhero who can do everything on his own. He's first and foremost a member of a team, who needs to know how to collaborate and delegate in order to achieve project objectives. Wanting to embrace everything is the best way to embrace everything badly, as Grégory's testimony rightly reminds us.
Rather than looking for the rare pearl who has all the answers, it's in companies' best interests to build multi-disciplinary teams, where the skills of some complement those of others. It's by combining specialized expertise with more generalist profiles that the best results are achieved. In this respect, the fullstack developer has a key role to play, as a facilitator and link between the various players.
At a time when technologies are constantly evolving and becoming more complex, one thing is certain: the ability to learn continuously and adapt will be the key skill of tomorrow's developers, whether they are fullstack or specialized. After all, it's by cultivating your curiosity and knowing how to get out of your comfort zone that you'll stay up to date in this profession. It's an exciting challenge for anyone who likes to be challenged on a daily basis.
If these thoughts on the job of a fullstack developer resonate with you, you should know that companies like Blue Soft are looking for talent ready to take on these challenges on a daily basis. With over 900 employees in 9 locations in France, Switzerland and Belgium, Blue Soft has been supporting a wide range of customers in their digital transformation projects since 2008.
Whether it's specific development, consulting, infrastructure cloud or Microsoft solutions, Blue Soft teams work on a wide range of technologies to meet their customers' business needs. An ideal playground for developers looking for a challenge, whether full-stack or specialized.
Do you recognize yourself in Grégory's testimonial and would like to find out more about career opportunities at Blue Soft ? Take a look at the job offers on the company website, or contact our recruitment teams directly. Who knows, maybe you'll soon be one of those "blue talents" who every day create "an ocean of skills" at the service of digital transformation.
What is a Fullstack developer?
In just a few years, the fullstack developer has become one of the most sought-after profiles in the world of IT programming. And with good reason: in a context of accelerating digital transformation, companies are looking for versatile developers, capable of working on all the layers of a web or mobile application, from backend to frontend to infrastructure. The backend manages business logic, data and infrastructure, while the frontend takes care of the user interface and user experience. A fullstack developer therefore masters all the skills required to develop an application from start to finish, like a Swiss army knife of programming, to meet the market's needs for responsiveness and agility...
This craze is particularly pronounced in the ecosystem of start-ups and small teams, who need jack-of-all-trades to launch their products quickly. Rather than recruiting a team of specialists, it can be tempting to opt for a fullstack developer, who is expected to master the entire software development chain. This quest for the rare pearl can be found in many job offers.
But what does the job of a fullstack developer really entail these days? Between the numerous JavaScript frameworks flourishing on the front end, and the explosion of cloud solutions and microservices architectures on the back end, is it realistic to expect a single developer to be an expert in all these areas? Do we risk sacrificing code quality and user experience by trying to do everything ourselves? These are all questions worth asking.
To answer this question, we take a look at the key skills expected of a fullstack developer, as well as the advantages and limitations of this type of profile. This insight is provided by Grégory, a fullstack developer at Blue Soft, who shares with us his day-to-day experience between back-end, front-end and support. The result is a nuanced portrait of this fast-changing profession.
To find out more, read our article on IT development trends.
The key skills of a fullstack developer
Being a fullstack developer is a bit like being a chef who masters every technique, from starter to dessert. It's a wide range of skills, requiring constant juggling between the different facets of software development.
On the front-end, the fullstack developer must already be comfortable with the basic web languages: HTML for page structure, CSS for formatting, and JavaScript to make everything interactive and dynamic. But it's no longer enough to simply know how to manipulate the DOM, as was the case ten years ago. Today, mastery of one or more frameworks is essential for building rich, responsive interfaces. Whether it's React, Angular, Vue.js or Svelte, the fullstack developer needs to keep abreast of the constant evolutions of this teeming ecosystem.
Beyond code, they must also cultivate a sensitivity to web design and user experience, in order to offer interfaces that are both aesthetically pleasing, intuitive and accessible. Designing a responsive website, optimizing loading times, ensuring cross-browser compatibility... these are just some of the challenges the fullstack must rise to in order to deliver the best possible end-user experience.
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Behind the scenes, the fullstack developer must master a whole world of back-end technologies. PHP, Java, Python, Ruby... they need to master at least one server language, as well as associated frameworks such as Symfony, Spring Boot, Django or Ruby on Rails. Their role is to develop the application's business logic, in interaction with the database. Whether SQL or NoSQL, the fullstack juggles different paradigms to optimally store and query data.
And then there's the whole deployment and infrastructure aspect, often underestimated but nonetheless crucial. Being at ease with the terminal, knowing how to administer a Linux server, scripting tasks, managing containers, configuring a CI/CD pipeline... the fullstack developer is also a bit ops around the edges. In an increasingly "cloud native" world, they need to understand the main principles of cloud computing, serverless and microservices architectures, in order to make the right technical choices.
To find out more about containerization, take a look at our article.
But beyond all these technical skills, it's also in their ability to embrace a project in its entirety that fullstack developers draw their added value. Understanding the customer's business needs, writing functional and technical specifications, designing a robust and scalable architecture, estimating workloads, coordinating resources... the fullstack developer's role is often akin to that of a technical project manager, in agile mode.
Finally, to link all these skills together, the fullstack developer cultivates essential cross-disciplinary competencies. Autonomy, curiosity, constant monitoring, team spirit and communication skills are all essential to the success of their missions. Because while the myth of the "ninja" who codes in his own corner may be hard to dispel, the reality of the profession is quite different: the fullstack developer is first and foremost a developer among others, who must be able to collaborate and share his knowledge.
To find out more, our tips for a career in development
The advantages of being a fullstack developer
The reason why companies are so keen to recruit fullstack developers is that this profile offers a number of advantages in today's environment. Here's an overview of the main advantages of cultivating this versatility.
The first of these is the ability to take an overall view of a development project. Where specialists sometimes have a "siloed" view of their perimeter, the fullstack embraces the entire production chain, from design to production launch. This invaluable perspective enables them to make the right architectural choices, anticipate problems and optimize overall performance. When a bug occurs, he can quickly identify whether it comes from the front or the back, without passing the buck between teams. This saves time and increases efficiency.
This global vision also enables the fullstack developer to communicate more effectively with the various parties involved in a project. Firstly, with the customer, to understand their business needs and propose the most appropriate solutions. But also with creative teams, by being able to discuss with UX and UI designers to design interfaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and high-performance. Or with business experts and end-users, to gather their feedback and develop the application accordingly. By acting as a link between these different interlocutors, the fullstack greatly facilitates collaboration and co-construction within a project.
Another major advantage is their versatility and adaptability. In a constantly evolving sector like web and mobile development, where frameworks and tools are constantly being renewed, knowing how to switch from one technology to another is a real plus. Thanks to their knowledge of several languages and paradigms, fullstack developers can quickly build up their skills in a new technical area, and thus cope with any changes of direction that occur during the course of a project. This agility is invaluable in responding to changing market and user needs.
That's why fullstack profiles are so popular with startups and small guerilla teams. When resources are scarce and every recruitment counts, it's best to bet on a jack-of-all-trades developer, capable of carrying a large part of the project alone. This "resourceful" profile fits in well with the mindset of start-ups, where creativity is often required to get around obstacles. Even if the code isn't perfect at first, the key is to quickly deliver a first viable product, to test it with users and raise funds. The fullstack developer is the ideal Swiss Army knife for this type of mission.
Last but not least, it's also a profile that offers excellent career prospects. After a few years of dabbling in everything, the fullstack developer has acquired solid experience and a thorough understanding of project challenges. It's enough to aim for positions of responsibility, such as lead developer or software architect. Some even go on to create their own start-ups, backed by their business vision and end-to-end mastery of the development chain. Proof that versatility doesn't prevent you from delving deeper into an area of expertise - quite the opposite, in fact: it opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
Limits and points of vigilance for the fullstack developer
While the profile of a fullstack developer has many advantages, it also has certain limitations of which you need to be aware. Contrary to popular belief, a fullstack developer is not a development "superhero", capable of excelling on all fronts at the same time.
The first pitfall is the difficulty of maintaining a high level of expertise across such a broad spectrum of skills. Let's face it: it's an illusion to be at the top of every technology, every framework, every best practice from front-end to back-end, especially given the frenetic pace of innovation in the sector. Whereas a specialized developer can focus on a specific area and master all its intricacies, a fullstack developer often has to make do with a more superficial knowledge, at the risk of missing out on certain subtleties. A jack of all trades, master of none.
This is particularly true of front-end development, which is sometimes the poor relation among fullstack developers. Pressed by back-end needs and production launch, some tend to neglect the user interface, coding pages in haste without regard to HTML quality, responsiveness or accessibility. This neglect can quickly become problematic, as it is the front-end that is the showcase of a web application. A wobbly, slow or poorly designed site may have a solid back-end architecture, but it won't convince users. Hence the importance of not sacrificing this part of the chain.
Another common misconception is that you want to do everything yourself, like an almighty code god. Carried away by their enthusiasm, fullstack developers can sometimes overestimate their abilities and exhaust themselves trying to manage everything from A to Z, without delegating or asking for help. Even the best developer has his limits. On large-scale projects, it's often more effective to build a team with specialists in each field, rather than putting everything in the hands of a single person. A fullstack developer needs to know how to play as part of a team.
This is all the more true when you consider that technology watch and ongoing training are absolute necessities if you want to keep up with the times. When you're a jack-of-all-trades, it's hard to find the time to keep abreast of the latest developments, test out new tools or hone your skills on a new framework. And it's all the more time-consuming because you have to do it on all fronts at once, from CSS to NoSQL to DevOps. It's enough to make you dizzy, and risk burn-out if you don't know how to take your foot off the gas from time to time.
Finally, the myth of the fullstack "ninja" can also backfire when it comes to promoting a developer's skills. By trying to be too all-encompassing, you can give the image of a jack-of-all-trades with no real expertise, and struggle to gain recognition for the value of your versatility. This is the paradox of the fullstacker: building a solid, well-paid career on such a generalist profile is not always easy. You have to know how to "sell" your multiple skills as an asset, without coming across as a low-end Swiss Army knife.
Interested in code quality? Read our article on QA tools
Testimony of Grégory, fullstack developer
To embody these reflections on the profession of fullstack developer, let's take a look at Grégory, who has been in the profession for over 10 years. Currently working for Blue Soft, an ESN with a presence in France and Europe, he shares his views on his day-to-day life and the challenges of his job.
A lifelong computer enthusiast, Grégory began his career in web development before branching out into video games for almost 15 years. This experience enabled him to work with many different technologies. "In IT anyway, I've never really left the programming side, I've always done it," he explains.
Two years ago, Grégory joined Blue Soft when his previous company, Coaxis, was bought out. "I was able to keep my Swiss Army knife, jack-of-all-trades side, and transpose it to larger-scale projects at Blue Soft ", he recounts. This change of scale has enabled him to enhance his skills, particularly in terms of cloud architectures and agile methods.
Today, as a fullstack developer, he is involved in all project components, from Java back-end to Angular front-end, including databases and deployment. He sees this versatility as an opportunity to constantly challenge himself. "There's always something new to learn," he says.
But this versatility also has its challenges on a daily basis, admits Grégory. "I'm constantly challenging myself. I try to maintain a cross-functional skill set, not necessarily a high level of expertise, but an ability to find answers quickly, whatever the subject". It's a balancing act that requires great curiosity and constant technological watch.
To recharge his batteries, Grégory particularly appreciates moments of exchange and sharing with his colleagues. Whether it's answering questions from work-study students, debating technological choices with his peers, or simply spending a convivial moment at lunchtime, he is attached to the team spirit that reigns in his company. "It's very studious, but also very human, and there's a real sense of positive emulation," he says.
A balance between technical challenge and a fulfilling work environment seems to be the driving force behind this passionate developer. And while he admits that he will no doubt need to specialize in the long term to move towards positions of responsibility, Grégory has no regrets about his choice to be a fullstack developer. "It's a job where you never get bored, where you have to get out of your comfort zone. But that's also what makes it exciting!"
To listen to Grégory's full testimonial, discover our podcast, Chroniques de Talents Bleus.
At the end of this overview, one thing is certain: the profession of fullstack developer leaves no one indifferent. Adulated by some, criticized by others, it has crystallized the debates on the evolution of software development in recent years. Should it be seen as the absolute grail of the developer or, on the contrary, as an unattainable myth? The truth probably lies somewhere in between.
What emerges from our analysis is that there's no such thing as a typical fullstack developer profile. Above all, it's a question of balance and adaptation, depending on your experience, your skills and the projects you work on. Some will see it as an opportunity to vary the pleasures of the job, and gain 360° skills. Others may prefer to specialize in a particular technology and aim for expertise. The most important thing is to find the right formula to flourish in your profession.
Because if there's one thing everyone agrees on, it's that versatility shouldn't come at the expense of quality. A fullstack developer is not a superhero who can do everything on his own. He's first and foremost a member of a team, who needs to know how to collaborate and delegate in order to achieve project objectives. Wanting to embrace everything is the best way to embrace everything badly, as Grégory's testimony rightly reminds us.
Rather than looking for the rare pearl who has all the answers, it's in companies' best interests to build multi-disciplinary teams, where the skills of some complement those of others. It's by combining specialized expertise with more generalist profiles that the best results are achieved. In this respect, the fullstack developer has a key role to play, as a facilitator and link between the various players.
At a time when technologies are constantly evolving and becoming more complex, one thing is certain: the ability to learn continuously and adapt will be the key skill of tomorrow's developers, whether they are fullstack or specialized. After all, it's by cultivating your curiosity and knowing how to get out of your comfort zone that you'll stay up to date in this profession. It's an exciting challenge for anyone who likes to be challenged on a daily basis.
If these thoughts on the job of a fullstack developer resonate with you, you should know that companies like Blue Soft are looking for talent ready to take on these challenges on a daily basis. With over 900 employees in 9 locations in France, Switzerland and Belgium, Blue Soft has been supporting a wide range of customers in their digital transformation projects since 2008.
Whether it's specific development, consulting, infrastructure cloud or Microsoft solutions, Blue Soft teams work on a wide range of technologies to meet their customers' business needs. An ideal playground for developers looking for a challenge, whether full-stack or specialized.
Do you recognize yourself in Grégory's testimonial and would like to find out more about career opportunities at Blue Soft ? Take a look at the job offers on the company website, or contact our recruitment teams directly. Who knows, maybe you'll soon be one of those "blue talents" who every day create "an ocean of skills" at the service of digital transformation.