Risk management

How can you measure the performance of your projects with KPIs?

In project management, performance measurement is essential to assess the success of all project stages. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) play a vital role in this process, providing project managers with an overview of the progress, efficiency and impact of these stages. Project KPIs: how to achieve them? Before diving into measuring project performance using KPIs, it's essential to have a clear understanding of project expectations. These expectations serve as the foundation for determining all your project's objectives, expected results and success criteria. Many organizations set up their own KPI systems. But generally speaking, project teams ask themselves the same questions around these indicators: What is the status of the project today? Have we achieved our objectives? Have we delivered the expected deliverables? Are we on schedule? Are we on budget? Also read: Mastering deadlines for project management - the bluesoft-group.com Blue Soft Group (bluesoft-group.com) Expectations and objectives need to be defined at the outset to provide clear direction, and then KPIs need to be selected [...].

2024-07-01T16:44:57+02:00February 7, 2024|Uncategorized|0 comment

PMO methods and tools

In project management, the PMO (Project Management Officer) occupies a central position. His role is crucial in transmitting tools and methods to his team. He is responsible for supporting and improving project management. A common base of best practices PMO methods and tools are based on a common base of best practices. They are now widely documented. Since the 1980s, they have been gradually implemented in a standardized way, based on British and American standards (PMBOK and PRINCE 2). Today, these best practices are increasingly well known in project management. Unfortunately, they are not always applied very well, and it is precisely the role of the PMO to apply and pass them on. They include major topics such as planning. The latter aims to define milestones and a timetable for completing the project, taking into account the human, material and financial resources required. In short, the ABCs of project management. Best practices will also cover subjects such as risk management. In other words, anticipating [...]

2024-07-01T16:47:08+02:00January 23, 2024|Uncategorized|0 comment

PMO AMOA: A difference that is not so easy to find

In any project, it is essential to understand each other's roles, especially between the PMO and the AMOA. There are often many players. Each role must be defined beforehand for the success of the project. This is why we can ask ourselves, what are the differences or similarities between the PMO (Project Management Office) and the Project Management Assistance (Project Management Assistance)? Even though these roles seem similar, they are still very different.   Definition A PMO, or "Project Management Office", is an entity or structure within an organization responsible for overseeing, standardizing, and supporting project management practices. The goal of the PMO is to ensure the consistency, efficiency, and success of projects within the company by providing tools, processes, and resources for project management. Browse the 5 essential roles of the PMO as well as our article on PMO methods and tools. Project management, or "Project Management Assistance", is a role or function within a project or organization that consists of providing support and expertise to project management or [...]

2024-07-01T16:56:11+02:00October 9, 2023|Human wealth|0 comment

PMO: Project management office VS Project management officer

The term PMO, an acronym for Project Management Office, can refer to both a person and an organization. Although they share the same acronym, their roles differ slightly. In this article, find out more about the PMO as an organization and as a person, and their essential contributions to project management. Find out more about PMO methods and tools, and the 5 essential roles of the PMO. PMO as an organization: project and program management for the company. The organizational PMO, sometimes referred to as the "project office", brings together professionals working together to oversee the management of projects and programs. Its role encompasses various aspects, such as defining work methodologies within the company. It supports projects in difficulty and acts as a reference point for project managers. As a central entity, it ensures consistent management of projects and portfolios. The PMO as a person: technical expertise and project monitoring The PMO as a person, or Project Management Officer, is technically responsible for monitoring and supervising projects. He or she represents the project management expert, and ensures the [...]

2024-07-01T16:57:16+02:00September 11, 2023|Digital|0 comment

What's a project?

A project is much more than just a temporary organization of work. It is a vector of change within an organization, bringing together a team, resources and means to achieve specific objectives. In this article, we'll explore the nature of a project and its role in organizational change, highlighting its key characteristics and the deliverables it produces. Interested in this topic? See also our article Is project management the poor relation of consulting? A project is characterized by its temporality. It begins at a specific point in time and ends when its objectives have been met. During this period, a team of professionals works together, using specific methods to coordinate their efforts. Work organization is therefore an essential element in guaranteeing the success of a project. You also need to keep your deadlines under control to ensure successful project management. Deliverables are the concrete results of a project. They can take many forms, from a new IT system to a departmental reorganization or a technological feasibility study. These deliverables are created to meet the objectives set by the organization. They are the fruit of the team's [...]

2024-07-01T17:14:07+02:00June 26, 2023|Uncategorized|0 comment

Mobile application security: vulnerabilities to watch out for

Computer systems and computers are not the only ones with security vulnerabilities: mobile devices and applications are also very vulnerable to cyber attacks. Some vulnerabilities are more frequent on this type of technical environment and it is necessary to detect them, from the creation phase of an application to the end of its life cycle. I - Security on Android and iOS: two rooms, two atmospheres On the smartphone market, two operating systems predominate: iOS and Android. In June 2021, their combined market share is 99.9% on the French market. Source : Apple or Android Nation? Statista These two operating systems have their own specificities in terms of application development. Indeed, while iOS applications are mainly programmed in Objective-C language, Java is used on Android. The same goes for their installation, configuration, programming environment, design, testing and management of the cybersecurity strategy. II - The main types of vulnerabilities in mobile applications Before listing the main vulnerabilities observed in mobile applications, it is important to remember that there are two categories of vulnerabilities in mobile applications.

2024-01-26T15:25:18+01:00September 14, 2021|Digital|0 comment

How do you secure your mobile application data?

How do you secure your mobile application data? In the age of hyper-connectivity, the issue of data protection is a constant in cybersecurity. There is no shortage of examples of massive hacking, as in May 2020 when a smartphone caller ID app reported a security breach. The personal data of over 47.5 million users was then exposed to theft. Today, the security of application data must be maintained throughout the entire Application Development Life Cycle (ADLC), long after the application has been downloaded by the end user. Rest assured: there are many ways to effectively improve data security on a mobile application, without compromising the user experience. Best practice no. 1 for securing data on your mobile application: analyze risks upstream An application's areas of vulnerability vary according to its architecture and functionality. It is therefore essential to carry out a preliminary risk analysis before launching a development project. To do this, make sure you know all the features of your future application: do you want to integrate a payment module? An identification system? Do you have a [...]

2024-04-17T10:30:41+02:00July 8, 2021|Digital|0 comment

Cybersecurity: 3 types of cyberattacks your company is exposed to

Cyber attacks are no longer epiphenomena: 4 out of 5 companies claim to have already been victims of cyber attacks. One might also think that cybersecurity issues only concern very large companies. That's not true: in 2019, the average size of organizations victimized by ransomware was 645 employees. Regardless of the size of your organization, cybersecurity is a topic to be taken very seriously as crime is increasing and the consequences of attacks can be catastrophic. "The banking industry is the most exposed sector to cyberattacks: +238% of attacks worldwide since the start of the pandemic between February and April 2020." Source: research firm VMware Carbon Black There are many types of cyberattacks in business. Some are well known, others are more confidential and therefore more devious. Here are the main ones in this article. Malware: Public Enemy No. 1 Malware is by far the most common cyberattack within organizations. In 2020, the cybersecurity company AV Test GmbH counted more than one billion pieces of malware worldwide: The most frequent types of malware in [...]

2024-01-10T09:52:37+01:00May 27, 2021|Data|0 comment

Risk management: DevOps and continuous testing as a solution?

How can DevOps and continuous testing optimize risk management in the face of ever-increasing production and development rates? Today's IT companies are under constant pressure to meet ever-tighter time-to-market deadlines. In response, many have adopted Agile and DevOps methods. These methods are bearing fruit, but sometimes to the detriment of security and risk management. Find out more about DevOps in our article. In fact, it's absolutely essential to take security into account before launching an application on the market. If end-users encounter problems that cause the application to be temporarily shut down... it may already be too late. Knowing how to define the acceptability of risk is a key point for any company wishing to adopt an Agile or DevOps environment, as the development cycle is much shorter. Theoretically, it's simple. In reality, however, there is often an asymmetry of information between the definition of risks by project managers and the actual management of these risks by development teams. The aim of this article is to highlight the [...]

2024-03-11T09:47:09+01:00October13, 2020|DevOps, Risk management|0 comment

Health data and RGPD - where do we stand?

After having received a lot of criticism, the RGPD has been installed in all companies and administrations. From now on, the processing of data (personal or sensitive) is governed by new rules. However, the success of the RGPD is not just based on free consent or controlled cookies, but on the whole system of hosting and processing data. What about the security of our data? Has health data experienced a greater risk with COVID-19? 2 years later, it's time to take stock. RGPD and data governance According to the recent European Commission Report, companies "are developing a culture of compliance and are increasingly promoting the high level of data protection they provide as a competitive advantage." Both the European Commission and the CNIL are pleased with the success of the GDPR. With a 79% increase in complaints in 5 years, the least we can say is that citizens are informed. The CNIL has given itself several missions for 2020. Firstly, to reinforce its support for companies to implement compliance of their practices with, for example, a guide for developers. This year, [...]

2024-01-10T09:22:48+01:006August2020|Data, Digital|0 comment
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