How can you measure the performance of your projects with KPIs?

In project management, performance measurement is essential to assess the success of all project stages. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) play a vital role in this process, providing project managers with an overview of the progress, efficiency and impact of these stages. Project KPIs: how to achieve them? Before diving into measuring project performance using KPIs, it's essential to have a clear understanding of project expectations. These expectations serve as the foundation for determining all your project's objectives, expected results and success criteria. Many organizations set up their own KPI systems. But generally speaking, project teams ask themselves the same questions around these indicators: What is the status of the project today? Have we achieved our objectives? Have we delivered the expected deliverables? Are we on schedule? Are we on budget? Also read: Mastering deadlines for project management - the Blue Soft Group ( Expectations and objectives need to be defined at the outset to provide clear direction, and then KPIs need to be selected [...].

2024-02-07T16:58:59+01:00February 7, 2024|Uncategorized|0 comment

Portfolio program project: what's the difference for the PMO?

The size of the "toy": project, program, portfolio, a key distinguishing factor for the PMO The differences between project, program and portfolio management may seem confusing at first. However, on closer examination, the difference between these three categories of PMO becomes clearer. Simplistically, it's the size of the toy that sets them apart. A project PMO manages individual projects, a program PMO manages more complex objects, while a portfolio PMO handles a variety of projects, programs and activities sharing common resources. We're talking about the PMO as a person, not as a project office. In fact, if you'd like to know more about the 5 roles of the PMO, we invite you to have a look at our dedicated article The distinction between project program and portfolio Project management For the project PMO, this involves planning, executing and controlling the activities needed to achieve specific objectives within a defined timeframe. It focuses on the realization of individual projects, whether this involves creating a new product, launching a marketing campaign or building a [...].

2024-01-09T14:42:53+01:00November 14, 2023|Uncategorized|0 comment

PMO AMOA: A difference that is not so easy to find

In any project, it is essential to understand each other's roles, especially between the PMO and the AMOA. There are often many players. Each role must be defined beforehand for the success of the project. This is why we can ask ourselves, what are the differences or similarities between the PMO (Project Management Office) and the Project Management Assistance (Project Management Assistance)? Even though these roles seem similar, they are still very different.   Definition A PMO, or "Project Management Office", is an entity or structure within an organization responsible for overseeing, standardizing, and supporting project management practices. The goal of the PMO is to ensure the consistency, efficiency, and success of projects within the company by providing tools, processes, and resources for project management. Browse the 5 essential roles of the PMO as well as our article on PMO methods and tools. Project management, or "Project Management Assistance", is a role or function within a project or organization that consists of providing support and expertise to project management or [...]

2024-03-20T15:58:42+01:00October 9th, 2023|Human Wealth|0 comment

PMO: Project management office VS Project management officer

The term PMO, an acronym for Project Management Office, can refer to both a person and an organization. Although they share the same acronym, their roles differ slightly. In this article, find out more about the PMO as an organization and as a person, and their essential contributions to project management. Find out more about PMO methods and tools, and the 5 essential roles of the PMO. PMO as an organization: project and program management for the company. The organizational PMO, sometimes referred to as the "project office", brings together professionals working together to oversee the management of projects and programs. Its role encompasses various aspects, such as defining work methodologies within the company. It supports projects in difficulty and acts as a reference point for project managers. As a central entity, it ensures consistent management of projects and portfolios. The PMO as a person: technical expertise and project monitoring The PMO as a person, or Project Management Officer, is technically responsible for monitoring and supervising projects. He or she represents the project management expert, and ensures the [...]

2024-03-11T12:40:42+01:00September 11, 2023|Digital|0 comment

The 5 essential roles of the PMO

In this article, we'll focus on the 5 essential roles the PMO can play in successful project management. In an organization where project management must be a success, the PMO's (Project Management Officer) missions are paramount. They support and, above all, improve the management of projects, programs or portfolios. To find out more before you continue, don't hesitate to watch our Youtube video with our expert Guillaume RAOUL: What is a PMO? Project management office VS Project management officer or read our article on Project management office VS Project management officer. Essential role 1: the PMO is the project manager's right-hand man First of all, the PMO provides direct assistance to the project manager. He or she is clearly categorized as the project manager's right-hand man. He assists him in all technical aspects of the project. The PMO also assists the project manager in relations with the team, with all contributors, i.e. with all stakeholders involved in the project. They form an indivisible pair, ensuring smooth project management. See also our article on the difference between a PMO and an AMOA. Role [...]

2024-03-11T14:30:51+01:00July 25, 2023|Uncategorized|0 comment
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