
Monolith vs. Microservices: Which architecture should you choose for your application?

Table of contents The choice of software architecture is a crucial decision when designing an application. It has a direct impact on its maintainability, scalability and performance. Two approaches are frequently opposed: monolithic architecture and microservices architecture. A monolith is a stand-alone application combining all functionalities in a single block. Simple to develop and deploy, this approach nevertheless reaches its limits on complex projects requiring high scalability. In contrast, microservices break down functionalities into independent services that communicate via APIs. This architecture offers greater flexibility and enables each service to be scaled, at the cost of increased complexity. So how do you choose between monoliths and microservices? What are the advantages, disadvantages and decision criteria? That's what we're going to look at in this article, illustrated by concrete examples. What is a monolithic architecture? A monolithic architecture consists in developing an application as a single unit where all functionalities are tightly coupled. The application is designed as a single, autonomous and independent block. In concrete terms, a monolith brings together within a single code base: Business logic Data access User interfaces Calls to other applications (e.g., [...])

2024-06-03T14:59:20+02:00May27,2024|Data, DevOps, Digital, Uncategorized|0 comment

What is DevOps?

DevOps comes from "Dev" (development) and "Ops" (operations). This operational method is increasingly used not only for software development, but also for Machine Learning and Data Science. The DevOps concept The development and operations teams, although working in the same field, have totally different ways of conceiving things. For a better understanding: Agile rituals: essential practices for a successful Scrum (1/2) ( While developers often use the agile method, operational teams tend to use the ITIL method. DevOps unifies the teams, processes and technologies of both professions. It involves IT operations in planning, tracking, development, testing, delivery, monitoring and operations. By adopting the DevOps method on a day-to-day basis, teams are able to achieve their objectives more quickly and respond better to customer needs. The project is therefore built from A to Z, involving all the professions concerned. The combination of these practices and tools is designed to improve an organization's ability to deliver high-quality applications and software. To find out more: 10 essential DevOps tools for [...]

2024-02-21T14:28:18+01:00February 19, 2024|DevOps|0 comment

Containerization in development and deployment

What is containerization and how does it work? Containerization is an increasingly popular concept in the software development world. Much lighter than traditional virtual machines, this technique allows applications and their dependencies to be grouped and managed in separate containers that are isolated from each other. You have to think of containerization as a system of layers. First, the OS, then the necessary functionality. Like virtualization, containerization is designed to isolate applications in a dedicated environment. However, its vision is more atomic and aims to reduce the scope of services as much as possible by isolating them from each other, whereas virtualization would tend to consider an ecosystem as a whole. Unlike virtualization, containerization has the advantage of not requiring the installation and configuration of a new virtualized system. [Here is a diagram illustrating the difference between a container and a virtual machine: (The host operating system is the main operating system on which a guest system, called the guest operating system, is running. The host operating system provides resources such as memory, processor, and hardware.

2024-01-09T15:19:49+01:006February2023|Data, Headlines, DevOps|0 comment

Infrastructure as Code, when Dev takes precedence over Ops...

Infrastructure as Code has made its appearance in our information systems to reconcile or revolutionize both dev and ops. Let's discover here the key success factors of this method. ... provided that there is close collaboration at the outset Infrastructure as Code revolutionizes software engineering by bringing coherence between environments, which has been lacking until now in versioning and testing. That said, IaC also brings with it a transformation of methods, which implies a little caution and should not make us forget the primordial role of infrastructure engineers, to the benefit of development teams. IaC, faster and better Infrastructure as Code or IaC aims to codify the infrastructure made available to enterprise applications. In particular, it enables the same technical envelope to be reproduced in an automated way, and continuously if necessary, on all useful environments (development, integration, pre-production or production environments). In short, the primary advantage of IaC and the standardization it enables is that it considerably accelerates the deployment of environments while guaranteeing their consistency. This race to the top can sometimes leave one wondering. Ten years ago, speed was already the promise of Cloud through a PaaS offering predefined modeling. If, [...]

2024-05-15T14:35:09+02:002June2022|DevOps, Headlines|0 comment

The Flutter framework: our developers are still looking for the big flaws!

Blue Soft has designed a member networking application for the CCI France International network, using the recently launched Flutter framework, powered by Google. With Flutter, hybrid development, hitherto unconvincing, has clearly reached a new level, in terms of performance and simplicity, as well as aesthetics. The Flutter framework at the cutting edge of hybridization! Released at the end of 2018, the Google Flutter framework is already in version 2.8, and the prognosis is eminently good. Just look at our own developers Blue Soft and the enthusiasm they're expressing for this technology. Easy to use, Flutter is all about beauty. It has forged a place of choice in the hearts of our teams, especially and strangely, among those under 30. In our article on how to make a career in development, we recommend the usefulness of an early focus on a particular technology. The Flutter framework, for example, can be a very good choice for an early career. The Flutter framework doesn't just appeal to our young developers. The 120,000 stars awarded on GitHub bear witness to its success on a wider scale. It's a success that goes hand in hand [...].

2024-04-03T09:59:59+02:002February2022|Unclassified, DevOps|0 comment

Is the choice of its IT infrastructure decisive for your organization?

How to choose your IT infrastructure? When it has been chosen according to technological developments or announcements, the IT infrastructure can become a very heterogeneous complex: a database here, an application there, an integration that is never completed... All of which adds to the workload of the business. And, to top it all off, it can make you more vulnerable to cyber attacks. But is it really so important to rethink the choice of IT infrastructure? Yes, because an aging infrastructure is the opposite of the agility and flexibility that will prepare the company for tomorrow's world. But there's no moralizing here. Instead, let's look at the elements to take into account and the existing solutions to know why and how to migrate your IT infrastructure. A good choice of IT infrastructure integrates resources, environments and strategy The human factor remains at the heart of the decision The first thing to look at is your team. What skills does it have? What are the upcoming recruitments? What is the team's level of maturity? If it relies on its internal resources, the IT department must adapt its choices. However, the company can reach its objective more quickly [...]

2023-12-04T15:52:13+01:00January 18, 2022|DevOps|0 comment

4 essential steps to choose and implement an API

What are the steps to set up an API? Digital transformation obliges, the use of APIs has become a major issue for IT departments. Indeed, APIs are now so powerful that they tend to be part of a more global integration strategy within information systems. The choice of an API ecosystem is therefore not trivial and it is advisable to take a few steps into account before making your choice. Step 1: Take the time to understand the needs of your IT team The needs of an IT team are not limited to a "100% UX-friendly" API. You have to dig deeper to know their real needs. Indeed, a powerful API is much more than a simple functionality. Part of the power of APIs is that creative developers find uses for them that API designers never thought of. If an API is well designed and easy to use, it can be a huge benefit and opportunity, turning a service into a platform that can grow in multiple ways. Understand the concept of API provider and API consumer: API provider: the one who developed the API. API consumer [...]

2024-05-15T14:28:54+02:00November 22, 2021|DevOps|0 comment

6 IT trends that will change the development world in 2022

Remote infrastructure management, DevOps and hyper-automation, low-code, API-First and Security-first are some of the trends that are going to move in 2022... Blue Soft reveals its predictions on the IT and development trends to follow in 2022 to stay competitive. #1 The remote infrastructure management trend, or how to reconcile development and telework The generalization of telework implies new infrastructure needs for the IT departments of organizations: a stable and performing internet network, a certain computing power, an enterprise social network, very rigorous cybersecurity processes, etc. For all these reasons, Remote Infrastructure Management (RIM) is growing in popularity. RIM is a process of monitoring and managing IT infrastructure. Data center, networks, email, devices, storage, ERP, operating system, security, servers, support, database, applications, telephony and services... Everything is involved. The advantage of this management method lies in the centralization of all these elements within a single management platform. Thus, IT teams, from a remote location, can perform corrective actions to ensure continuous availability. With RIM, the administrator performs on-site repairs only if [...]

2024-05-15T14:33:29+02:00November 16, 2021|DevOps|0 comment

Automating my infrastructure: is it worth it?

How can we meet the ever-increasing infrastructure provisioning needs of an increasingly connected and demanding world? Is infrastructure automation a viable solution to meet these needs? In an increasingly open world where services are available to consumers globally from mobile applications or via the web and continuously, any downtime or slowdown is no longer accepted and tolerated by users. Applications are more and more demanding in terms of infrastructure resources due to the fact that application loads are constantly adapted or because new applications or new functionalities have to be implemented in order to offer new services to its users or consumers. Is automating your infrastructure worth it? Automation: an essential step for large companies Large groups are defined by complex situations: The volume of data is expressed in Terabytes or Petabytes; Technology is directly integrated with support functions such as financial management or human resources; Employees are counted in the hundreds, as are their needs. For them, it is impossible to consider the [...]

2024-01-09T15:58:04+01:00October13, 2021|DevOps, Data|0 comments

The user experience must be at the center of the CIO strategy

As a result of the digital transformation, the IT department's schedule is now very busy. Between the maintenance of existing IT systems and the development of new services, they are not short of work. While remaining available to their employees, they work within a framework constrained by management objectives or a defined budget. In the Build or Run phases as well as in the daily demands, a common thread emerges: the UX (or user experience). Like a leitmotiv, the UX guides the construction of each new brick. In the B2C applications domain, when UX became widespread in the developers' community, these applications became more fluid, easier to use and more powerful in order to meet consumers' needs. However, employees do not always benefit from powerful and versatile tools, just like their jobs. One of the keys to a successful digital transformation is therefore to focus on the development of business applications that are sufficiently mature to optimize the employee experience. The sooner IT Departments achieve this, the further they will be able to project their organization into the next world. In this context, the development of user-oriented business applications is a top priority. The benefits inherent to [...]

2024-01-09T15:58:33+01:00October 5, 2021|DevOps|0 comment
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