
Monolith vs. Microservices: Which architecture should you choose for your application?

Table of contents The choice of software architecture is a crucial decision when designing an application. It has a direct impact on its maintainability, scalability and performance. Two approaches are frequently opposed: monolithic architecture and microservices architecture. A monolith is a stand-alone application combining all functionalities in a single block. Simple to develop and deploy, this approach nevertheless reaches its limits on complex projects requiring high scalability. In contrast, microservices break down functionalities into independent services that communicate via APIs. This architecture offers greater flexibility and enables each service to be scaled, at the cost of increased complexity. So how do you choose between monoliths and microservices? What are the advantages, disadvantages and decision criteria? That's what we're going to look at in this article, illustrated by concrete examples. What is a monolithic architecture? A monolithic architecture consists in developing an application as a single unit where all functionalities are tightly coupled. The application is designed as a single, autonomous and independent block. In concrete terms, a monolith brings together within a single code base: Business logic Data access User interfaces Calls to other applications (e.g., [...])

2024-06-03T14:59:20+02:00May27,2024|Data, DevOps, Digital, Uncategorized|0 comment

Geneva Public Transport: The autonomous revolution is underway with Les Projets Niove and Ultimo!

Table of Contents In the concentrated atmosphere of the SIT laboratory of the Geneva Public Transport (TPG), exceptional advances in cybersecurity (see our other article on the subject) for autonomous vehicles are taking shape. Quentin Matthewson, Consultant at TEAM PARTNERS, takes us behind the scenes of the European Niove project and unveils the aspirations of the Ultimo project, which promise to redefine the way we think about public transport. The Geneva Public Transport SIT Laboratory: An Ideal Playground for the Cybersecurity of Autonomous Vehicles The En Chardon depot of Geneva public transport The Geneva Public Transport depot En Chardon Within the En Chardon site, the SIT laboratory of Geneva Public Transport has been transformed into an innovation hub where the Niove project has come to life. With a series of cyberattacks orchestrated on three separate environments, the researchers explored the limits of autonomous vehicle security. The full simulation allowed for actions otherwise prohibited, while the tests on Navya shuttles and in trams tested the vulnerabilities of these emerging technologies. See our article on the threats of [...]

2024-03-20T16:19:48+01:00Mar 20th, 2024|Case Studies, Digital|0 comment

3 tips for a successful career in development

At Blue Soft, we believe that a successful career in development requires the right blend of in-depth technical know-how and the right mindset. In this article, we'll explore the 3 key points that will give you the best chance of success. A career in development: cultivate curiosity and continuous learning. The first key to a career in development is the ability to learn how to learn. It may sound trivial, but it's going to be crucial for a beginner to be able to rise to competence efficiently and quickly. This can be achieved through courses and tutorials, whether on YouTube, at school or on specialized forums. Another method is to work with the documentation provided by the various development frameworks. A perfect example is the Angular page, which offers ultra-complete documentation on its site, including details of all the new features of the various versions. Most of these sites offer courses adapted to all levels, whether you're a total beginner or an expert just looking for the latest features. Another good way to improve your skills is to work [...].

2024-02-29T11:46:00+01:00February 12, 2024|Digital|0 comment

Pair Programming: developing in pairs to do things better.

Pair Programming: collaboration and efficiency In a development project, an effective method for rapidly integrating a new developer is peer programming. This approach involves two or more people working together (ensemble programming) on the same piece of code. Using this method, teams can share knowledge and solve problems collectively. Pair Programming vs Ensemble Programming: understanding the subtleties Trivially speaking, we need to distinguish between pair programming, where developers work in pairs, and ensemble programming, where at least three people work together. Both of these methods aim to develop in groups, thus encouraging the sharing of skills and the collective upgrading of competence in less mastered subjects. In a related topic, we have written an article on alternation in development and the resulting rise in skills. The many advantages of developing together. Peer programming offers several advantages. It enables developers to enhance their technical and functional skills on complex subjects. It's also an excellent way of integrating new members into an existing team, or facilitating the transfer of knowledge when talent leaves. Quality and methodologies associated with Pair [...]

2024-01-15T11:04:01+01:00january 15, 2024|Digital|0 comment

Design an effective user interface in 4 steps

A good user interface in 4 steps. The UX methodology guides you through several essential steps to achieve your dream user interface. The Scoping and Research Phase You begin with a thorough scoping and research phase. This stage is crucial, as it allows you to immerse yourself in your customer's business. It helps you to develop a common language with users, creating the basis for meeting them and conducting the in-depth research needed to design a suitable user interface. During this phase, you can organize user interviews, focus groups, or even quantitative questionnaires when you have a substantial user base. The aim is to ask users about their needs and expectations of a new product. The solution definition phase After this research phase, we move on to the solution definition phase. This is where you define the functional structure of the solution, building the product skeleton with the main functionalities expected by users. The user interface design phase We then move on to the design phase, where we put [...]

2024-01-09T14:46:12+01:004October2023|Digital, Uncategorized|0 comment

PMO: Project management office VS Project management officer

The term PMO, an acronym for Project Management Office, can refer to both a person and an organization. Although they share the same acronym, their roles differ slightly. In this article, find out more about the PMO as an organization and as a person, and their essential contributions to project management. Find out more about PMO methods and tools, and the 5 essential roles of the PMO. PMO as an organization: project and program management for the company. The organizational PMO, sometimes referred to as the "project office", brings together professionals working together to oversee the management of projects and programs. Its role encompasses various aspects, such as defining work methodologies within the company. It supports projects in difficulty and acts as a reference point for project managers. As a central entity, it ensures consistent management of projects and portfolios. The PMO as a person: technical expertise and project monitoring The PMO as a person, or Project Management Officer, is technically responsible for monitoring and supervising projects. He or she represents the project management expert, and ensures the [...]

2024-07-01T16:57:16+02:00September 11, 2023|Digital|0 comment

IT carbon footprint: a significant impact

What is the IT industry's carbon footprint? Today, one of the most topical issues is the environment. Kilowatts and kilowatts are consumed in data centers. They need to consume less energy. The digital sector alone accounts for 4% of all CO2 emissions, 1.5% more than air transport. In this article, we take a closer look at the environmental impact of the digital sector. Although specific needs are evolving, overall requirements remain the same. A few years ago, the overall need was to make more money by spending less. Today, the need is to keep our businesses viable while taking into account the scarcity of our planet's resources and their over-exploitation. The famous day when we consume the equivalent of a year's worth of the planet's production is arriving earlier and earlier every year. Today, companies are increasingly aware of this environmental constraint and need to become "greener". The carbon footprint is ultimately a good indicator of pollution, even if it should not be considered the only one. In our technical choices, we must give priority to this [...].

2024-05-15T14:24:55+02:009may2023|Unclassified, Digital|0 comment

Flutter, a choice of Framework adapted to the specificities of CCI France International

For the development of the mobile application, CCIFI Connect, Blue Soft and CCI France International quickly decided to use Flutter technology, the hybrid framework from Google. Pascal Ameline, in charge of the digital activity at CCI France International explains the reasons that led him to make this choice. Prior to the creation of their CCIFI Connect application, Pascal Ameline looks back at what already exists in his organization: "We have an existing digital platform based on 3 pillars. A web pillar with a website factory, a CRM pillar that manages and pilots all the activity of the chambers and a marketing pillar with a suite that is there to generate leads. In 2019, we have embarked on a mobile wallet project, to be able to take advantage of native Apple and Android technologies to join the mobile adventure [...]". This complex and ambitious project will be one of the decisive points for the choice of the right framework for CCI France International: Flutter. What were your constraints in choosing the technology for CCI France International? "For [...]

2024-01-10T14:32:57+01:00March 16, 2022|Digital|0 comment

Aurore, the research program that accompanies you in your project management processes

Created in 2010, the Aurore research program was intended to enrich the expertise of our consulting firm by capitalizing on research and development activities specialized in project management. Today, the program offers its partners a real heritage thanks to the various research projects conducted in recent years, a history to be developed. The Aurore program is unique in France In 2010, research centers dedicated to project management were already identifiable on the international market with laboratories bringing together researchers on this same theme. However, this was not the case in France. It is therefore with the objective of proposing a French research program dedicated to project management that Daylight, the transformation consulting firm of Blue Soft Consulting, started looking for academic partners to create a unique program. Today, the Aurore program is an original and singular structure. Established in an applied research approach, the value of the Aurore program is to bring a "toolbox" to partners and practitioners. Research and Development (R&D) would have no reason to exist without business support. It is therefore thanks to the interactions with the consultants of the [...]

2024-07-01T17:24:26+02:00March 10, 2022|Digital|0 comment

The changing needs of CIOs by our Microsoft solutions specialist

In a constantly changing IT market, the needs of IT departments are becoming increasingly complex. Numerous Microsoft solutions are available, which can be adapted to each of the problems encountered by organizations. Alexandre Lamotte and Patrick Dubois, co-directors of Blue Soft Empower , our subsidiary specialized in Microsoft solutions, tell us more. The evolution of the stakes in the IT market and the needs of the IT department Organizations today have two main needs. First and foremost, organizations are looking to implement hybrid work to allow company employees to work remotely and on site. For this purpose, Teams and Viva solutions allow companies to meet their requirements. They also focus on the dimensioning of the IS to meet new business needs and the perpetual renewal of services and infrastructure solutions. In this case, it is cloud Azure that will enable organizations to meet their challenges. Despite the difficulty of predicting tomorrow's challenges, four fundamental points have been observed. First of all, data processing and business process automation for which Power Platform and artificial intelligence are adapted. We also find the agility needed in a context of merger and acquisition for which the 3 Microsoft clouds are perfectly suited. At the heart of the news and [...]

2024-01-10T14:49:33+01:00September28, 2021|Digital, The Group|0 comment
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