
Monolith vs. Microservices: Which architecture should you choose for your application?

Table of contents The choice of software architecture is a crucial decision when designing an application. It has a direct impact on its maintainability, scalability and performance. Two approaches are frequently opposed: monolithic architecture and microservices architecture. A monolith is a stand-alone application combining all functionalities in a single block. Simple to develop and deploy, this approach nevertheless reaches its limits on complex projects requiring high scalability. In contrast, microservices break down functionalities into independent services that communicate via APIs. This architecture offers greater flexibility and enables each service to be scaled, at the cost of increased complexity. So how do you choose between monoliths and microservices? What are the advantages, disadvantages and decision criteria? That's what we're going to look at in this article, illustrated by concrete examples. What is a monolithic architecture? A monolithic architecture consists in developing an application as a single unit where all functionalities are tightly coupled. The application is designed as a single, autonomous and independent block. In concrete terms, a monolith brings together within a single code base: Business logic Data access User interfaces Calls to other applications (e.g., [...])

2024-06-03T14:59:20+02:00May27,2024|Data, DevOps, Digital, Uncategorized|0 comment

Containerization in development and deployment

What is containerization and how does it work? Containerization is an increasingly popular concept in the software development world. Much lighter than traditional virtual machines, this technique allows applications and their dependencies to be grouped and managed in separate containers that are isolated from each other. You have to think of containerization as a system of layers. First, the OS, then the necessary functionality. Like virtualization, containerization is designed to isolate applications in a dedicated environment. However, its vision is more atomic and aims to reduce the scope of services as much as possible by isolating them from each other, whereas virtualization would tend to consider an ecosystem as a whole. Unlike virtualization, containerization has the advantage of not requiring the installation and configuration of a new virtualized system. [Here is a diagram illustrating the difference between a container and a virtual machine: (The host operating system is the main operating system on which a guest system, called the guest operating system, is running. The host operating system provides resources such as memory, processor, and hardware.

2024-01-09T15:19:49+01:006February2023|Data, Headlines, DevOps|0 comment

What is a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)?

What is a QAP (Quality Assurance Plan)? The QAP or Quality Assurance Plan is a document used in project management and in the context of an IT service for a company. It defines precisely what a service provider must do, and in what context. The QAP is open-ended and not fixed in time. The QAP must be drawn up in agreement with all stakeholders (the contractor and the customer are the main parties involved) to ensure that all stages of the project are properly understood, from start to finish. The Quality Assurance Plan is also a quality management tool. The Quality Assurance Plan is used to define: the project's objectives, what you want to do/where you want to put it The way you're going to proceed: stages, conditions, implementation schedule, roles and responsibilities of the people involved The process implemented: tools, methods Finally, it's important to include in the Quality Assurance Plan a section dedicated to measuring the quality of deliverables Interested in infrastructure topics? Check out our expert Nicolas' podcast: How do you draw up a Quality Assurance Plan? [...]

2024-05-15T16:10:06+02:00January23,2023|Unclassified, Data|0 comment

Automating my infrastructure: is it worth it?

How can we meet the ever-increasing infrastructure provisioning needs of an increasingly connected and demanding world? Is infrastructure automation a viable solution to meet these needs? In an increasingly open world where services are available to consumers globally from mobile applications or via the web and continuously, any downtime or slowdown is no longer accepted and tolerated by users. Applications are more and more demanding in terms of infrastructure resources due to the fact that application loads are constantly adapted or because new applications or new functionalities have to be implemented in order to offer new services to its users or consumers. Is automating your infrastructure worth it? Automation: an essential step for large companies Large groups are defined by complex situations: The volume of data is expressed in Terabytes or Petabytes; Technology is directly integrated with support functions such as financial management or human resources; Employees are counted in the hundreds, as are their needs. For them, it is impossible to consider the [...]

2024-01-09T15:58:04+01:00October13, 2021|DevOps, Data|0 comments

Infrastructure as Code (IaC): everything you need to know about the new cornerstone of development

Table of contents Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is gaining in popularity within the DevOps approach. These are mechanisms for managing a virtual infrastructure using code. Since its creation by Amazon in 2006 (with Amazon Web Services), Infrastructure as Code has evolved to become an attractive solution for businesses in many respects. CIOs and CTOs are increasingly convinced of the benefits of this type of IT infrastructure. Infrastructure as Code offers unprecedented opportunities. So, what exactly is it? What are its benefits and risks? Is IaC right for your organization? Infrastructure as Code is now a key concept in the DevOps approach. Not only do developers benefit from it, it's also a godsend for businesses. IaC and how it works are at the heart of many organizations' thinking right now. Also known as SDI (software-defined infrastructure), software-defined infrastructure or programmable infrastructure, IaC is the automation of infrastructure management via a descriptive model: code. This computer code unifies the deployment of "infrastructure" environments and enables the [...]

2024-05-15T16:34:15+02:00June15, 2021|Data, DevOps|0 comments

Cybersecurity: 3 types of cyberattacks your company is exposed to

Cyber attacks are no longer epiphenomena: 4 out of 5 companies claim to have already been victims of cyber attacks. One might also think that cybersecurity issues only concern very large companies. That's not true: in 2019, the average size of organizations victimized by ransomware was 645 employees. Regardless of the size of your organization, cybersecurity is a topic to be taken very seriously as crime is increasing and the consequences of attacks can be catastrophic. "The banking industry is the most exposed sector to cyberattacks: +238% of attacks worldwide since the start of the pandemic between February and April 2020." Source: research firm VMware Carbon Black There are many types of cyberattacks in business. Some are well known, others are more confidential and therefore more devious. Here are the main ones in this article. Malware: Public Enemy No. 1 Malware is by far the most common cyberattack within organizations. In 2020, the cybersecurity company AV Test GmbH counted more than one billion pieces of malware worldwide: The most frequent types of malware in [...]

2024-01-10T09:52:37+01:00May 27, 2021|Data|0 comment

AI and Cloud : the winning combo of tomorrow's companies

The companies of the future are those that will grasp and master the challenges of Cloud and AI. Until now, the combination of artificial intelligence with the technologies of Cloud was reserved for very large companies. However, more and more Cloud providers are enabling the deployment of AI projects adapted to the size and maturity of their customers. At the same time, these two markets are experiencing unprecedented growth: by 2025, the global AI market is expected to reach $60 billion and the Cloud market $1,250 billion (source: Bilan). This expected growth can be explained in particular by the democratization of Cloud "as-a-Service". The trend is therefore clear: AI projects within Cloud architectures are becoming more and more popular, and if your organization has not yet established a project in this direction, it is high time to think about the added value that AI could bring to your Cloud. The Cloud and AI "at the service" of data Data-driven projects are not a fad but an obligation for any organization that wants to survive. Data exploitation is becoming the solution to everything: it allows better management, more effective [...].

2024-03-11T15:37:27+01:00May 11, 2021|Data|0 comment

How are things going at Blue Soft Cloud Infrastructure?

Patrick Rochereau is Director of Blue Soft Cloud Infrastructure, part of the Blue Soft group. In this interview, he explains the organization, missions and issues that drive their customers. What are the main missions of Blue Soft Cloud Infrastructure? " Blue Soft Cloud Infrastructure, which I'm fortunate enough to be able to manage, is one of the 5 main business lines of the Blue Soft group, and currently comprises 150 consultants. Cloud Infrastructure supports its customers in transforming, managing and upgrading their infrastructures. This involves current steps such as automation, and the progressive integration of Artificial Intelligence. Ultimately, our aim is to support them in implementing autonomous infrastructures." How is the management of Cloud Infrastructure organized? " Blue Soft Cloud Infrastructure has two main departments. The first, Consulting, focuses on innovation, and is supported by a research and development laboratory. Its mission is to find the cutting-edge solutions that will solve the problems our customers will be facing in the near future. The second department, focused on "Build" and "Run", will design the solutions devised by Consulting. It will [...]

2024-04-17T10:08:36+02:00May 4, 2021|Data|0 comment

HDS Hosting: why is Azure a key partner for GHTs?

Health data is not personal data like any other. The legislator has taken care to provide a framework for the rules governing its hosting. HDS hosting, i.e. having received certification to be able to host health data, has been mandatory in any information system linked to the medical sector since 2018. Here's an article to find out more about healthcare data and the RGPD. At the same time, spurred on by the law modernizing the healthcare system, establishments are tending to group together in GHTs (groupements hospitaliers de territoire) in order to pool their resources and enable the patient to be placed at the heart of healthcare organization. The digital transformation that accompanies these groupings can be complex, particularly when it comes to unifying information systems and their architecture. cloud computing provides a solution for infrastructures; its benefits are even amplified by the use of remote applications. But healthcare information also brings with it heightened data protection constraints. Migration projects to Cloud services therefore require specialized business expertise. As holder of the Microsoft services contract awarded by the CAIH (Centrale d'achat de l'informatique hospitalière), Blue Soft Empower has developed solid expertise in the [...]

2024-01-26T15:12:10+01:00December18,2020|Data, Digital|0 comment

What is the purpose of API Gateways?

What are API Gateways? API Gateways offer a single point of entry into a system comprising multiple APIs or multiple microservices communicating with each other via APIs. API Gateways are of particular interest at the heart of an API management system, and therefore the intermediary layer between microservices and client applications that need microservices to function. The role of these API gateways is to direct API traffic and link microservices and client applications. There are two typical uses for API Gateways: Service to service External traffic to an incoming service (ingress) The development of API Gateways should be seen in the more general context of the APIization of enterprises and the adoption of microservice architectures as opposed to SOA, or Service-oriented Architectures. The proliferation of APIs to link services together has been a boon for businesses and CIOs alike. But it has also created the added complexity of managing the communication between these services, and therefore the management of the APIs themselves. To put it simply, in a microservices architecture, the various specialized microservices communicate with the applications [...].

2024-05-15T17:14:07+02:00October27, 2020|Data, Digital|0 comments
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