In the spotlight

Asinotherapy at Thuir Hospital: a project supported by Blue Soft

The Centre Hospitalier de Thuir, in the Pyrénées-Orientales region of France, has set up an innovative project to support children with autism spectrum disorders: asinotherapy. This donkey-assisted therapy method enables children to develop their social and emotional skills. As part of its Projet Indigo collaborative program, the Blue Soft group, a digital services company, has chosen to support the Centre Hospitalier de Thuir in this meaningful initiative for one year. Let's discover together the benefits of asinotherapy and how Blue Soft 's commitment through Projet Indigo is helping to make a difference in the lives of these children. Asinotherapy, an innovative method Asinotherapy, or donkey-assisted therapy, is an innovative approach that uses the presence of these animals to promote the emotional and social well-being of patients. This method draws on the unique characteristics of donkeys, such as their gentleness, patience and ability to create an emotional bond with humans. The benefits of asinotherapy are manifold: Improved communication and social interaction Development of empathy and emotional management Increased self-confidence and self-esteem [...].

2024-07-05T15:25:42+02:00July15, 2024|Ala Une, The Group|0 comment

Asterix and Obelix: good or bad project management?

Alain Chabat's 2002 film Asterix and Obelix Mission Cleopatra has become a classic of French comedy. Beyond its caustic humor, the film is also packed with lessons on project management. Maëlle Lorvin, Consultant at Blue Soft Consulting, takes us through the management of the pharaonic construction site entrusted to architect Edifis. His challenge: to build a magnificent palace in three months to satisfy Cleopatra. A successful gamble or a project doomed to failure? Analysis. An inexperienced project manager Cleopatra appointed Edifis as project manager. Good or bad idea? It all began when Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, entrusted Edifis with the responsibility of building a sumptuous palace in record time. If the young architect succeeds, he'll be showered with gold. But if he fails, he'll end up in the crocodile pit. "A project manager is like an orchestra conductor on a project," explains Maëlle. The project manager needs to have good communication skills, while making sure that the various parties involved in the project communicate well. They also need to have leadership skills, as it's up to them to [...].

2024-07-09T15:16:03+02:00July 9, 2024|Headlines|0 comment

Blue Soft Consulting, tailor-made strategic support

Blue Soft Consulting, a subsidiary of the Blue Soft group, was created from the merger of three complementary consulting companies: Ileo Conseil, Ileo Niort and Daylight. Today, Blue Soft Consulting has become a single entity. This union marks a key step in the development of our service offering, reinforcing our positioning as an expert in project management, transformation management and strategic support. Blue Soft Consulting: strength through unity Ileo Conseil, Ileo Niort and Daylight: complementary expertise in strategic business support In 2018, Daylight Consulting left the Grande Arche de la Défense to join the Blue Soft group. It enhances Blue Soft 's offering with its expertise in methodological support for projects, offering tailor-made strategic support with a solutions-based approach, across all sectors. Its consultants are involved in all project phases, from strategy definition to change management and operational implementation. In 2020, Blue Soft acquired Ileo Conseil and Ileo Niort. This integration broadened the group's scope of expertise, particularly in the fields of [...]

2024-07-03T12:40:01+02:001 juillet 2024|Àla Une, The Group|0 comment

Project Indigo: Blue Soft talents get involved with the Fantassins de France association

At Blue Soft, commitment is no empty word. Anchored in the group's DNA, it is reflected in the day-to-day involvement of Talents Bleus in community projects. Project Indigo is a perfect illustration. This collaborative program gives teams the opportunity to support causes close to their hearts. It was in this context that Jean-Marc, a design engineer at the Paris branch, suggested supporting the Fantassins de France association. This initiative is fully in line with Blue Soft's values of excellence, cohesion and commitment. Through this commitment, Blue Soft is helping the Fantassins de France to pass on history in a fun and accessible way to as many people as possible. A fine example of how Project Indigo federates the energies of talented people around meaningful projects. Let's take a closer look at this wonderful encounter, which is all about sharing knowledge and generosity. Project Indigo, a collaborative program for commitment Project Indigo perfectly embodies the philosophy and values of Blue Soft. Launched in 2021, this innovative program is designed to give [...]

2024-05-03T15:05:49+02:0010juin 2024|Àla Une, Le Groupe|0 comment

Santexpo 2024, Blue Soft Empower at the show

Table of contents Blue Soft Empower , the group's ultra-specialist in Microsoft solutions Blue Soft, will be taking part in the Santexpo 2024 trade show, the key event for the healthcare industry, to be held from May 21 to 23, 2024. On its stand, the company will be highlighting its flagship theme: "Building tomorrow's hospital with Microsoft solutions", and will be presenting its expertise and innovative offerings, in the company of our partners Talan, AIS, Powell Software and Synergiz. Blue Soft Empower A partner of choice for the healthcare sector Recognized for its expertise with numerous French establishments, Blue Soft Empower currently supports more than 280 healthcare establishments in France, including University Hospitals (CHU), Territorial Hospital Groups (GHT), ESPICs and regional health agencies. Our expertise in deploying Microsoft solutions in the healthcare sector is well established. Thanks to key partnerships that you will be able to meet on our Santexpo stand in 2024, Blue Soft Empower has forged solid relationships with key entities in the sector. The Centrale d'Achat de l'Informatique Hospitalière (CAIH) awarded them a Microsoft services contract in 2018, recognizing their expertise. In 2023, the company [...]

2024-04-29T17:50:35+02:00April 30, 2024|Headlines|0 comment

Blue Soft supports the Centre Français de Secourisme through its Project Indigo.

In 2021, the Blue Soft group launched its program to support associations, Project Indigo. After several years, we now support some forty associations in the fields of health, the environment, culture and sport. This year, Blue Soft supported the Centre Français de Secourisme de l'Essonne (CFS 91). This civil security association was proposed by Florent, our CIO and also, an extremely involved member of CFS 91. Blue Soft supports associations with Project Indigo In 2021, Blue Soft is launching its Project Indigo, a collaborative sponsorship program that supports associations proposed by our employees in France, Belgium and Switzerland. "Projet Indigo is an important and recurring event in Blue Soft 's employer policy," explains Ludovic Hayat, Group President Blue Soft. "It is part of blue flow initiatives whose aim is to make the experience at work particularly satisfying at Blue Soft ." Its aim is to give our teams the opportunity to get involved in projects that are important to them. Projects are selected on the basis of [...]

2024-04-10T16:24:28+02:0015avril 2024|Àla Une, Le Groupe|0 comment

2024 recruitment: 200 team positions to be filled Blue Soft

Blue Soft announces over 200 new hires for 2024, the fast-growing company is recruiting on a massive scale in almost all its branches in France and Europe. The organization is continuing to expand its regional presence, and is showing its commitment to transparency with its new Talents Bleus employer brand. What jobs will Blue Soft have available in 2024? Blue soft is launching a recruitment campaign for all its business units in the service and digital sectors, throughout France and Europe. Over 200 positions are open for recruitment on permanent or temporary contracts. Join our teams in Belgium For our Belgian entity, Blue Soft Belgium, which provides expertise in data architecture, storage and analysis, we are recruiting more than a dozen positions in Brussels for: project managers, engineers cloud, business analysts and account managers. Recruitment Blue Soft : Pushing the boundaries of infrastructure automation For our Cloud Infrastructures teams, our transformation specialist, we are looking for around 40 consultants, 90% of whom will be based in Paris, with the remaining 10% in Lille and Lyon. We are looking for a variety of positions, including systems engineers and architects (Linux, [...]

2024-02-12T15:35:43+01:00January29,2024|Human Resources, Headlines, The Group|0 comment

Understanding the essential role of a PMO

In the ever-changing world of project management, the PMO (Project Management Officer) plays an essential role within an organization, responsible for supporting and improving project management. In this article, we'll explain what a PMO is, and why it's so important to the success of projects Definition of a PMO. A Project Management Officer is responsible for overseeing, controlling and supporting the execution of projects within an organization. The PMO has a central role in project management, providing processes, methodologies, tools and resources to ensure that project objectives are met. Find out more about PMO methods and tools, and the 5 essential roles of the PMO. To understand the essential role of the PMO, read our article. PMO responsibilities. The responsibilities of a PMO can vary depending on the organization and the maturity of its project management. Here are details of some common tasks: Process development: the PMO defines project management standards and processes to ensure consistency and efficiency in task execution Resource management: the PMO is responsible for the resources [...].

2024-07-01T17:19:27+02:00June 1, 2023|Headlines|0 comment

Is project management the poor relation of consulting?

To begin with, what is project management consulting? Project management consulting is a profession that encompasses many issues. Companies, both public and private, hire consultants to help them manage their projects. Although everyone is familiar with the concept of project, few people really understand the ins and outs of this profession. What do project management consultants do? Project management consultants can intervene in various situations. They can help a company in difficulty to understand the reasons for its problems and to put in place solutions to remedy them. Their main mission is to bring a project back on track and to complete it successfully, even if this means modifying the initial plan. A standardized project management method or a case-by-case approach? The work of consultants can also be more global. By tackling organizational problems that affect the whole company. In these cases, it is no longer a question of solving a specific problem but of reviewing the general functioning of the company. It is then necessary to ask the right questions in order to find solutions [...]

2024-07-01T17:20:19+02:00March 20, 2023|Headlines|0 comment

QA tools to test the development of your applications and sprints

An application is good, a working application is better! And for that, the Quality Assurance team of the Blue Soft group does not slacken its efforts in the hunt for bugs. Here is a short tour of the main tools used by the QA team. Testrail, QA tool for writing tests The flagship tool of the QA department of the group Blue Soft, which is also the basis of the tester, is Testrail. "It is the tool with which we write our four tests, which we use for all our test campaigns and where we have all our traceability," explains Arnaud Walet, QA Manager at Blue Soft Group since 2021. There are a few competitors on the market, such as Test Link X-Ray for example, but Testrail remains the number one tool for our test team. Java Selenium, QA tool for automated applications For the automated part of web applications, it is the Java Selenium QA tool that is preferred by our test team. It's a tool that can be used for anything, even without knowing too much: its ease of use and understanding make it accessible with a minimum of explanation and training. "It is a tool that is constantly being improved and is totally dynamic in the way it works.

2024-01-09T15:18:30+01:00March 13, 2023|Headlines|0 comment
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