
6 major technological trends for 2020

The coming year will mark a turning point in IT and large enterprises. Some technologies that have been talked about for a while will appear in a very operational way. 5G, Cloud, blockchain, collaborative work are no longer just buzzwords, they are coming to life. Let's take a quick look at these trends. Technology trend #1: 5G The year 2020 will be connected or not! The first projects based on 5G will finally see the light of day. Main advantages: bandwidths will be much faster and mobile networks more reliable. Far from being limited to improving the use of our smartphones, 5G will accelerate the development of Smart City projects, vehicles, connected and intelligent objects. Almost all industries and communities will be concerned by this evolution. Technological trend #2: The cloud distributed You knew the Cloud computing? Discover the Cloud distributed! The trend is towards decentralization. In 2020, the Cloud will extend outside its Data Centers. The expression "cloud distributed" translates a public cloud which distributes its services on several points of the planet. The services are delocalized, but the original cloud retains responsibility for operation, updates, maintenance, and the [...]

2024-01-10T08:55:11+01:00January 21, 2020|Digital|0 comment

Blue Soft integrates Projetlys (Blue Soft Empower from now on) ultra-specialist of Microsoft solutions

Editor's note: Projetlys became Blue Soft Empower in March 2023. In early November, Blue Soft announced the acquisition of Projetlys as part of its development strategy, which is based on a balance between organic and external growth. Projetlys is a Digital Services Company (DSC) that guides organizations in their digital transformation. A Microsoft solutions specialist since its creation in 2006, Projetlys is recognized and certified for its expertise. As proof, it was elected by Microsoft as "Partner of the Year 2015 for France". Thierry Boccara and Alexandre Lamotte, respectively co-directors of Blue Soft and Projetlys, talk about the operation, what it will bring to both entities and what it has already started to change. How did you meet? Thierry Boccara (Blue Soft), Patrick Dubois (Projetlys), Alexandre Lamotte (Projetlys) and Ludovic Hayat (Blue Soft), co-directors of both companies. Thierry Boccara : " To answer a strong demand, we were looking to reinforce specific expertise in the group Blue Soft. The firm that is assisting us in our external growth process, and with whom we have made two previous acquisitions, presented us with Projetlys. We were immediately attracted to the company. [...]

2024-01-10T08:50:36+01:00November18, 2019|Digital, The Group|0 comment

Hosting cloud your applications: why and how?

Hosting cloud its applications at Cloud : RGPD, the right to be forgotten, hacking... Data is at the heart of the turmoil. But such phenomena in no way detract from the crucial role of data in the enterprise. Whether sensitive, medical or personal, all digital data must be effectively protected by its owner. Hosting Cloud, a secure solution for your applications Thanks to the various developments in ICT, it would seem that Cloud is emerging as a reliable, accessible and relevant solution for data storage. Particularly when data is mass-produced. Secured, Cloud also ensures availability for the teams processing the data. Today, there is an unprecedented variety of Cloud : private clouds, public clouds, hybrid clouds... The choice is (far too) vast. CIOs have to judge solutions according to a range of criteria, and are faced with sometimes obscure information. What should they focus on first? Does all information deserve the same attention? How do you sort? Download our guide to Cloud : 27 key points to help you understand the issues! Hosting cloud promises data security and accessibility for your applications. Data is [...]

2024-04-03T10:14:46+02:00November15, 2019|Data, Digital|0 comment

SOA, microservices: what are these two essential IS architectures?

SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and microservices are two different ways of looking at the si and technical architectures of a project. When deploying a technical project, the question of architecture arises right from the start. While some IT managers have a systematic preference for one or other of these si architectures, it's more rational to consider the project as a whole in order to make the right choice. And the answer is hard to come by, since you need to anticipate the scalability of the project, and its evolution in the short, medium and long term. But the question remains crucial: monolithic architecture, SOA or microservices? Discover the similarities and differences between the two systems, so you can make the best decision. See also : How do you automate your infrastructure? SOA, microservices: two styles of architecture if SOA architecture SOA emerged to solve interoperability problems, for example, when two applications running on different technologies (Java and .Net, Windows and Linux, etc.) need to communicate. In an SOA, all applications must connect to an ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) in order to communicate with other applications. The ESB acts as the backbone [...].

2024-05-15T17:40:41+02:00October 12, 2019|Digital|0 comment

Digital, the fuel for Keys AM's spectacular growth

Keys AM (for "Asset Management") is an atypical player in its sector. In addition to the rather traditional business of real estate asset management, Keys AM combines a strategy of innovation, in start-up mode. With a vision focused on the power of digital and its impact on all aspects of real estate. It is therefore logical that digital is at the heart of the company's organization. To fully understand the stakes, we asked Christophe Ferrer, its IT Director, to talk to us about the place of technical projects and their strategic dimension. Can you tell us about Keys AM and how it has evolved since its inception? Christophe Ferrer: "Keys AM is a young company, since we were born in 2011, and it is growing very fast. For example, we have doubled our fundraising in the last 2 years, as well as the number of employees in all areas. I personally arrived 2 years ago when the need arose to structure the company from the point of view of its back office. It was a question of making this growth possible and enabling the employees to be both innovative and efficient. We work [...]

2024-05-15T17:47:08+02:00September 2, 2019|Digital|0 comment

Microsoft Teams: 13 million users, No. 1 in enterprise messaging, ahead of Slack

This summer, Microsoft dropped a bombshell on the world of enterprise instant messaging: its Teams platform, integrated with Office 365, attracts 13 million users daily. Another big surprise: Microsoft Teams is now more popular than its competitor Slack. In just two years, the communication tool in the Office 365 suite has managed to win over so many users that it has become the most important instant communication channel. Looking at weekly Teams usage, Microsoft reports 19 million users. In terms of volume of structures, the platform is used by 500,000 companies in 181 markets. Proud of this success, the Microsoft Teams and Office 365 teams are not stopping there. Teams should soon be equipped with two new features: urgent notifications and information prioritization. Urgent notifications take the form of short messages that are sent every two minutes to a computer or smartphone until they are acknowledged by the recipient. This is particularly useful in emergency environments such as hospitals. The second feature allows you to pin [...]

2024-04-17T10:14:40+02:00August 19, 2019|Digital|0 comment

Revealing the power of the mobile

The power of the cell phone is well entrenched in our habits, and it's making a big impact on our business. So much so that experts and journalists are talking about "mobile first" and "mobile only". If we want to follow their advice, how can we conduct an efficient and profitable technological strategy? In the conquest of mobile, the biggest mistake is to think that mobile is just an extension of the desktop. Beyond a well differentiated usage, specific expectations and a unique journey, mobile forces designers to rethink their approach and their markets. With its great potential, mobile can help companies win over new prospects or improve their customer knowledge. The power of mobile as a starting point You want to invest in the Augmented Reality market? Offer wearables? Move with your users? Indissociable from glasses, accessories and GPS, the cell phone is the cornerstone of your project. There's no point in developing sophisticated gloves, beacons or cameras if you don't rely on the technology your users have. Take inspiration from the AR application of the giant IKEA, exploit the potential of Google Glass and analyze the advertising strategy of Waze to [...]

2024-03-11T13:23:00+01:00August 1, 2019|Digital|0 comment

User management on Office 365: how does it work?

Very complete, Office 365 is deployed through many applications. Adapted to collaborative work, it can absorb a large number of users. In a context where the fashion is "Bring Your Own Device", users can even install the suite on several of their devices, computers, tablets and mobiles. For the general administrator and the administrators of each application, the question arises of how to manage these users. How to manage them? How to control access and ensure the security of the company's data? What are the possibilities per application? Office 365 user management is both simple and comprehensive. Find out more about this powerful tool. Access to Office 365 As a collaborative tool, Office 365 facilitates connections and uses. To access the different applications, there are three ways : Anonymous access: the unidentified user can open a document and re-share it via a link; Authenticated access: the user is connected to their Microsoft account through their email address; External access: the unauthenticated user can only access the basic features. What are the possibilities of the global administrator? In the context of an organization where all accounts are referenced, [...]

2024-01-10T08:29:23+01:00July 23, 2019|Digital|0 comment

Project management software: Trello vs. Microsoft Planner

New team companions, project management software is flourishing everywhere. The term "project management" is even a bit of a misnomer, when it is often about managing tasks rather than complex projects in the new ways of working. How to choose among the task management software? What information is important? Blue Soft takes a look at two market leaders and provides you with its analysis, from handling to price, including security and team management. Two solutions are well known and among the best software on the market. Trello vs. Microsoft Planner, here are two well-known task managers on the market that promote collaborative work and project-based work. Who will win the match? A similar operating principle with a different vocabulary Trello works with tables, lists and cards. Each user can create a table, integrate lists and detail them via cards. To go further and become a real collaborative project management platform, Trello has integrated Power-ups (plugins that enrich the table). Of course, all the boards are fully collaborative: each team has access to the lists, to the tasks and to the [...]

2024-01-10T08:28:20+01:00July 5, 2019|Digital|0 comment

How 5G is building the "next generation" IoT

Welcome to the world of IoT, the Internet Of Everything! With the arrival of 5G in 2020, connected objects are about to experience a veritable revolution. This new generation of standards goes far beyond an improved 4G. It promises new possibilities and unprecedented adaptability. Currently deployed in 83 countries, 5G will be 100 times more powerful than 4G, and will adapt to all types of connected objects. The 5G network will therefore have virtually nothing to do with what we know of mobile networks today. The area most affected will be IoT (Internet of Things), which will see its market explode. Unprecedented performance 5G has been tested over the past 3 years for a number of purposes: speeding up information exchange, securing sharing, transferring more data and consuming less energy. In the specific field of IoT, it divides connected objects into three sections: Low-speed IoT, which sends little data continuously or after an event. Sensors used in home automation or smart cities belong to this family. What makes them special is that they consume very little energy, and are placed in places where [...]

2024-05-15T16:24:14+02:00June 12, 2019|Digital|0 comment
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