Digital Factory

3 tips for a successful career in development

At Blue Soft, we believe that a successful career in development requires the right blend of in-depth technical know-how and the right mindset. In this article, we'll explore the 3 key points that will give you the best chance of success. A career in development: cultivate curiosity and continuous learning. The first key to a career in development is the ability to learn how to learn. It may sound trivial, but it's going to be crucial for a beginner to be able to rise to competence efficiently and quickly. This can be achieved through courses and tutorials, whether on YouTube, at school or on specialized forums. Another method is to work with the documentation provided by the various development frameworks. A perfect example is the Angular page, which offers ultra-complete documentation on its site, including details of all the new features of the various versions. Most of these sites offer courses adapted to all levels, whether you're a total beginner or an expert just looking for the latest features. Another good way to improve your skills is to work [...].

2024-02-29T11:46:00+01:00February 12, 2024|Digital|0 comment

Pair Programming: developing in pairs to do things better.

Pair Programming: collaboration and efficiency In a development project, an effective method for rapidly integrating a new developer is peer programming. This approach involves two or more people working together (ensemble programming) on the same piece of code. Using this method, teams can share knowledge and solve problems collectively. Pair Programming vs Ensemble Programming: understanding the subtleties Trivially speaking, we need to distinguish between pair programming, where developers work in pairs, and ensemble programming, where at least three people work together. Both of these methods aim to develop in groups, thus encouraging the sharing of skills and the collective upgrading of competence in less mastered subjects. In a related topic, we have written an article on alternation in development and the resulting rise in skills. The many advantages of developing together. Peer programming offers several advantages. It enables developers to enhance their technical and functional skills on complex subjects. It's also an excellent way of integrating new members into an existing team, or facilitating the transfer of knowledge when talent leaves. Quality and methodologies associated with Pair [...]

2024-01-15T11:04:01+01:00january 15, 2024|Digital|0 comment

3 best practices to improve your application's user experience (UX)

When creating a mobile application, user experience (also known as UX) plays a major role in the project's success. However, it can sometimes seem difficult to implement. To help you out, let's take a look at 3 best practices for improving your UX. For a fuller understanding of UX/UI, read our dedicated article. UX best practice 1: Use codes that users know In the "UX best practice" family, the first rule for optimizing or improving the user experience of your applications is to use codes that users already know. For example, people using websites have become accustomed to clicking on the logo in the top left-hand corner to return to the site's home page. This is a known code, and it's a good idea to reuse it in the creation of a digital solution. As our expert Sophie Garyga says: "In UX, you don't always have to reinvent the wheel. We'll also draw inspiration from what's already been done on applications that work, that have won over users, and we'll use certain codes such as buttons, shapes [...].

2024-01-09T14:25:09+01:00December 19, 2023|Uncategorized|0 comment

Design an effective user interface in 4 steps

A good user interface in 4 steps. The UX methodology guides you through several essential steps to achieve your dream user interface. The Scoping and Research Phase You begin with a thorough scoping and research phase. This stage is crucial, as it allows you to immerse yourself in your customer's business. It helps you to develop a common language with users, creating the basis for meeting them and conducting the in-depth research needed to design a suitable user interface. During this phase, you can organize user interviews, focus groups, or even quantitative questionnaires when you have a substantial user base. The aim is to ask users about their needs and expectations of a new product. The solution definition phase After this research phase, we move on to the solution definition phase. This is where you define the functional structure of the solution, building the product skeleton with the main functionalities expected by users. The user interface design phase We then move on to the design phase, where we put [...]

2024-01-09T14:46:12+01:004October2023|Digital, Uncategorized|0 comment

How to test and improve your user experience - UX?

Companies call in experts to improve the user experience of their applications or interfaces, also known as UX. In general, this is often for redesigns or for certain performance problems on their digital solutions. More often than not, they offer a multi-stage service. UX audit First, a UX audit is carried out by user experience experts. This audit actually analyzes several ergonomic criteria on the site in question. This first step will help us understand what could potentially be blocking us. Most of the time, it's found to be a hindrance to navigation or the hierarchy of information on the interface. Usability testing Next, we need to test usability with existing users. This step will not only help us understand their point of view, but also pinpoint what might be blocking them. In addition, the test will determine why the solution is not being adopted by users. All in all, it will show what might be holding users back in their daily use of the interface. Then, to complete these audits and tests, it is possible to carry out large-scale surveys. This is only done if there are [...]

2024-01-09T14:58:57+01:00September 4, 2023|Uncategorized|0 comment

How do I become a QA Tester?

QA tester, a career path that's still not very well defined "It's very complicated because it's still a job that's not very well known. We often hear about developers and project management, but not about all the other jobs there could be, such as tester, product owner or UI/UX, for example", explains Arnaud Walet, QA manager at . Blue Soft Group. At present, there are no schools or training courses as such for QA testers, which unfortunately limits the number of candidates. However, the QA testing dimension can be found in the development profession. Certifications are nevertheless available. But what is a QA Manager? We explain. No diploma, but a certification: you can take the "ISTQB Foundation level", the first level to certify your position as a tester in agile mode. You don't have to be a developer to be a tester. However, developers can make good testers. Their knowledge of the nuts and bolts of development enables them to better identify the critical points of an application. So when it comes to writing [...]

2024-03-11T13:13:16+01:00June 19, 2023|Uncategorized|0 comment

What is UX / UI?

Often used but rarely understood, the terms UX and UI are both very trendy and particularly vague. In this article, our expert explains the differences between the two terms and their importance in the development of modern applications, in the hope that it will help you to shine in society... UX and UI: definitions and differences? UX (User Experience) puts the user at the heart of everything we do, from the research phase through to design and testing. The UI (User Interface), on the other hand, is the visual part of the interface that brings to life what has been imagined upstream by the UX. These two stages are different but highly complementary, and their integration makes it possible to create user-friendly interfaces. As our expert Sophie Garyga, UX designeuse and head of our agency Le Renard Bleu, puts it: "UX/UI, if we take the definition, is the whole of the user's experience of all his interactions with the digital interfaces he uses. In a way, UX is a user-centered design method that puts the user at the heart of the design [...].

2024-01-09T15:35:48+01:00June 12, 2023|Uncategorized|0 comment

IT carbon footprint: a significant impact

What is the IT industry's carbon footprint? Today, one of the most topical issues is the environment. Kilowatts and kilowatts are consumed in data centers. They need to consume less energy. The digital sector alone accounts for 4% of all CO2 emissions, 1.5% more than air transport. In this article, we take a closer look at the environmental impact of the digital sector. Although specific needs are evolving, overall requirements remain the same. A few years ago, the overall need was to make more money by spending less. Today, the need is to keep our businesses viable while taking into account the scarcity of our planet's resources and their over-exploitation. The famous day when we consume the equivalent of a year's worth of the planet's production is arriving earlier and earlier every year. Today, companies are increasingly aware of this environmental constraint and need to become "greener". The carbon footprint is ultimately a good indicator of pollution, even if it should not be considered the only one. In our technical choices, we must give priority to this [...].

2024-05-15T14:24:55+02:009may2023|Unclassified, Digital|0 comment

QA tools to test the development of your applications and sprints

An application is good, a working application is better! And for that, the Quality Assurance team of the Blue Soft group does not slacken its efforts in the hunt for bugs. Here is a short tour of the main tools used by the QA team. Testrail, QA tool for writing tests The flagship tool of the QA department of the group Blue Soft, which is also the basis of the tester, is Testrail. "It is the tool with which we write our four tests, which we use for all our test campaigns and where we have all our traceability," explains Arnaud Walet, QA Manager at Blue Soft Group since 2021. There are a few competitors on the market, such as Test Link X-Ray for example, but Testrail remains the number one tool for our test team. Java Selenium, QA tool for automated applications For the automated part of web applications, it is the Java Selenium QA tool that is preferred by our test team. It's a tool that can be used for anything, even without knowing too much: its ease of use and understanding make it accessible with a minimum of explanation and training. "It is a tool that is constantly being improved and is totally dynamic in the way it works.

2024-01-09T15:18:30+01:00March 13, 2023|Headlines|0 comment

Containerization in development and deployment

What is containerization and how does it work? Containerization is an increasingly popular concept in the software development world. Much lighter than traditional virtual machines, this technique allows applications and their dependencies to be grouped and managed in separate containers that are isolated from each other. You have to think of containerization as a system of layers. First, the OS, then the necessary functionality. Like virtualization, containerization is designed to isolate applications in a dedicated environment. However, its vision is more atomic and aims to reduce the scope of services as much as possible by isolating them from each other, whereas virtualization would tend to consider an ecosystem as a whole. Unlike virtualization, containerization has the advantage of not requiring the installation and configuration of a new virtualized system. [Here is a diagram illustrating the difference between a container and a virtual machine: (The host operating system is the main operating system on which a guest system, called the guest operating system, is running. The host operating system provides resources such as memory, processor, and hardware.

2024-01-09T15:19:49+01:006February2023|Data, Headlines, DevOps|0 comment
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