Digital Factory

What is a QA (Quality Assurance) Manager or Test Manager?

Quality Assurance Manager (QA Manager) is a very mysterious word for a very useful job within the group Blue Soft. Let's go back to the head of our test team, Arnaud Walet, to find out more about his job, its constraints and its advantages. QA Manager or test manager: job description To begin with, the main objective of this role. It is to put in place all the tools and processes to test the applications or sprints that are developed. The QA manager works within a development team. He tests the achievements of his colleagues and improves the finished product. To do this, he will have to test the entire scope to ensure that the deliverable or what is going to be delivered works correctly. Not to be confused with the people in charge of testing, who write the test scenarios and execute them. The QA Manager supervises, trains and accompanies the testers while setting up the tools on which the test teams will work. Arnaud summarizes: "The main function is to guarantee the quality of an application, i.e. its proper functioning. A position as agile as development The QA manager, [...]

2024-01-09T15:19:58+01:00February 3, 2023|Headlines|0 comment

Remote UX/UI workshops with CCI France International

Is it possible to successfully conduct UX/UI workshops around the world, in 4 different countries? Pascal Ameline, in charge of digital activities at CCI France International and Peter Winckler, Director of Member Relations and Partnership for the French Chamber of Commerce in Canada, based in Montreal, share their respective experiences. The different stages of the UX/UI workshops with the CCIFI "First, we launched a first large project with Canada, Qatar, and Great Britain who participated in UX/UI workshops with the graphic design team of Blue Soft in order to define the outline and functional perimeter of the application, define the user stories, define the wiresframes, and the mock-ups.Testing all these graphical interfaces with testers and end-users to arrive at a validated functional and graphical perimeter on which the Blue Soft development teams were mobilized for the construction and design of the mobile application. Introduced Pascal Ameline. Peter Winckler presents his experience with remote UX/UI workshops: "The first contact I had was a workshop with your teams. What was quite incredible was that I [...]

2024-01-09T15:46:19+01:00May 16, 2022|Customer cases|0 comment

Blue Soft supports STRADA since 2020 in its SaaS strategy

The TMS of transportation software publisher Strada has undergone a major overhaul by the Blue Soft teams. Did you know that Blue Soft has been supporting STRADA in its new technological positioning since 2020? The TMS, the heart of STRADA's business In January 2021, STRADA placed an order for 20 sprints with Blue Soft, to rethink its core business software TMS, the transport management system. The project concerns the development of two new tools, one for invoicing, for the edition of counter invoices and the invoicing of transport hours, and the other for the creation of tariff grids. Two teams Blue Soft are working in parallel on the development of new applications related to the TMS and the back office. Developed in .NET Core, the eFact and Pricer applications have benefited from the agile methodology used by Blue Soft. The project also involves an external Product Owner (PO) Blue Soft, to support the STRADA Product Owner. Dedicated to product management, the PO mission aims to develop the MVP, the content and prioritization of the backlog, the writing of user stories, and the definition of acceptance criteria. Between mid-January 2021 and end of September 2021, the [...]

2024-03-11T10:05:59+01:00May 12, 2022|Uncategorized|0 comment

Can customer relations play a major role in the success of an application?

With the mobile application project, CCIFI Connect, Blue Soft and CCI France International have created a real partnership that goes beyond a simple customer relationship. Charles Maridor, General Delegate of CCI France International and Pascal Ameline, in charge of the digital activity at CCI France International tell you how this relationship was born and how these links were forged. Why did you call on Blue Soft ? Charles Maridor's vision of the project: "For a long time, CCI France International has had a mobile application project and it is clear that the health crisis and the acceleration of digitalization for many organizations during this period have encouraged us to accelerate this project and launch it. To do so, we explored the market and studied different options and finally, Blue Soft, seemed to be the right company to solicit for this project and we found with Blue Soft, not only a service provider, but also a partner who knew how to understand our specificities and who knew how to adapt to our constraints whether they are organizational or financial. " What did you like about the approach of Blue Soft and Le Renard Bleu? Pascal Ameline [...]

2024-01-09T15:47:31+01:00May 2, 2022|Customer cases|0 comment

The stages of the CCIFI Connect application project

In a context of health crisis and accelerated digital transformation of companies, CCI France International wanted to create an application to bring together its members and create a business community available at any time through CCIFI Connect. Charles Maridor, General Delegate of CCI France International and Pascal Ameline, in charge of the digital activity at CCI France International agreed to share their experience in the development and launch of this application with Blue Soft. Presentation of CCI France International: "CCI France International brings together the French chambers of commerce abroad. There are 126 of them and they are present in 97 countries around the world. It is a network that has the specificity of being completely private and 99% self-financed. Our mission is to animate the French business communities abroad and therefore we bring together both French companies established abroad, but also many local companies that have business relations with France. Within this framework, we organize all types of events and we make contacts on a permanent basis within these communities. The French chambers abroad are also service platforms since our mission is to help the French business community [...]

2024-01-09T15:48:04+01:00April 4, 2022|Uncategorized|0 comment

Flutter, a choice of Framework adapted to the specificities of CCI France International

For the development of the mobile application, CCIFI Connect, Blue Soft and CCI France International quickly decided to use Flutter technology, the hybrid framework from Google. Pascal Ameline, in charge of the digital activity at CCI France International explains the reasons that led him to make this choice. Prior to the creation of their CCIFI Connect application, Pascal Ameline looks back at what already exists in his organization: "We have an existing digital platform based on 3 pillars. A web pillar with a website factory, a CRM pillar that manages and pilots all the activity of the chambers and a marketing pillar with a suite that is there to generate leads. In 2019, we have embarked on a mobile wallet project, to be able to take advantage of native Apple and Android technologies to join the mobile adventure [...]". This complex and ambitious project will be one of the decisive points for the choice of the right framework for CCI France International: Flutter. What were your constraints in choosing the technology for CCI France International? "For [...]

2024-01-10T14:32:57+01:00March 16, 2022|Digital|0 comment

The Flutter framework: our developers are still looking for the big flaws!

Blue Soft has designed a member networking application for the CCI France International network, using the recently launched Flutter framework, powered by Google. With Flutter, hybrid development, hitherto unconvincing, has clearly reached a new level, in terms of performance and simplicity, as well as aesthetics. The Flutter framework at the cutting edge of hybridization! Released at the end of 2018, the Google Flutter framework is already in version 2.8, and the prognosis is eminently good. Just look at our own developers Blue Soft and the enthusiasm they're expressing for this technology. Easy to use, Flutter is all about beauty. It has forged a place of choice in the hearts of our teams, especially and strangely, among those under 30. In our article on how to make a career in development, we recommend the usefulness of an early focus on a particular technology. The Flutter framework, for example, can be a very good choice for an early career. The Flutter framework doesn't just appeal to our young developers. The 120,000 stars awarded on GitHub bear witness to its success on a wider scale. It's a success that goes hand in hand [...].

2024-04-03T09:59:59+02:002February2022|Unclassified, DevOps|0 comment

4 essential steps to choose and implement an API

What are the steps to set up an API? Digital transformation obliges, the use of APIs has become a major issue for IT departments. Indeed, APIs are now so powerful that they tend to be part of a more global integration strategy within information systems. The choice of an API ecosystem is therefore not trivial and it is advisable to take a few steps into account before making your choice. Step 1: Take the time to understand the needs of your IT team The needs of an IT team are not limited to a "100% UX-friendly" API. You have to dig deeper to know their real needs. Indeed, a powerful API is much more than a simple functionality. Part of the power of APIs is that creative developers find uses for them that API designers never thought of. If an API is well designed and easy to use, it can be a huge benefit and opportunity, turning a service into a platform that can grow in multiple ways. Understand the concept of API provider and API consumer: API provider: the one who developed the API. API consumer [...]

2024-05-15T14:28:54+02:00November 22, 2021|DevOps|0 comment

6 IT trends that will change the development world in 2022

Remote infrastructure management, DevOps and hyper-automation, low-code, API-First and Security-first are some of the trends that are going to move in 2022... Blue Soft reveals its predictions on the IT and development trends to follow in 2022 to stay competitive. #1 The remote infrastructure management trend, or how to reconcile development and telework The generalization of telework implies new infrastructure needs for the IT departments of organizations: a stable and performing internet network, a certain computing power, an enterprise social network, very rigorous cybersecurity processes, etc. For all these reasons, Remote Infrastructure Management (RIM) is growing in popularity. RIM is a process of monitoring and managing IT infrastructure. Data center, networks, email, devices, storage, ERP, operating system, security, servers, support, database, applications, telephony and services... Everything is involved. The advantage of this management method lies in the centralization of all these elements within a single management platform. Thus, IT teams, from a remote location, can perform corrective actions to ensure continuous availability. With RIM, the administrator performs on-site repairs only if [...]

2024-05-15T14:33:29+02:00November 16, 2021|DevOps|0 comment

The user experience must be at the center of the CIO strategy

As a result of the digital transformation, the IT department's schedule is now very busy. Between the maintenance of existing IT systems and the development of new services, they are not short of work. While remaining available to their employees, they work within a framework constrained by management objectives or a defined budget. In the Build or Run phases as well as in the daily demands, a common thread emerges: the UX (or user experience). Like a leitmotiv, the UX guides the construction of each new brick. In the B2C applications domain, when UX became widespread in the developers' community, these applications became more fluid, easier to use and more powerful in order to meet consumers' needs. However, employees do not always benefit from powerful and versatile tools, just like their jobs. One of the keys to a successful digital transformation is therefore to focus on the development of business applications that are sufficiently mature to optimize the employee experience. The sooner IT Departments achieve this, the further they will be able to project their organization into the next world. In this context, the development of user-oriented business applications is a top priority. The benefits inherent to [...]

2024-01-09T15:58:33+01:00October 5, 2021|DevOps|0 comment
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