
What is CI/CD? Understanding continuous integration and deployment

Table of contents What is CI/CD? Understanding continuous integration and deployment In the world of software development, there are two types of people: those who have already adopted CI/CD, and those who soon will! CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) has become a must for companies seeking to deliver new features and updates quickly, reliably and efficiently. But what exactly is CI/CD? What are its key principles and benefits? In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of continuous integration and deployment, to help you understand how this methodology can transform your software development and delivery processes. Fasten your seatbelts, we're off to the land of CI/CD! What is CI/CD? CI/CD is a bit like the developer's Swiss Army knife: multifunctional and indispensable! More seriously, behind this acronym lie two complementary practices: Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD). Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous Integration is the principle of regularly merging the code produced by each developer into a centralized repository. With each merge, automated tests are executed [...].

2024-06-03T14:56:43+02:00June 3, 2024|Uncategorized|0 comment

Monolith vs. Microservices: Which architecture should you choose for your application?

Table of contents The choice of software architecture is a crucial decision when designing an application. It has a direct impact on its maintainability, scalability and performance. Two approaches are frequently opposed: monolithic architecture and microservices architecture. A monolith is a stand-alone application combining all functionalities in a single block. Simple to develop and deploy, this approach nevertheless reaches its limits on complex projects requiring high scalability. In contrast, microservices break down functionalities into independent services that communicate via APIs. This architecture offers greater flexibility and enables each service to be scaled, at the cost of increased complexity. So how do you choose between monoliths and microservices? What are the advantages, disadvantages and decision criteria? That's what we're going to look at in this article, illustrated by concrete examples. What is a monolithic architecture? A monolithic architecture consists in developing an application as a single unit where all functionalities are tightly coupled. The application is designed as a single, autonomous and independent block. In concrete terms, a monolith brings together within a single code base: Business logic Data access User interfaces Calls to other applications (e.g., [...])

2024-06-03T14:59:20+02:00May27,2024|Data, DevOps, Digital, Uncategorized|0 comment

IT carbon footprint: a significant impact

What is the IT industry's carbon footprint? Today, one of the most topical issues is the environment. Kilowatts and kilowatts are consumed in data centers. They need to consume less energy. The digital sector alone accounts for 4% of all CO2 emissions, 1.5% more than air transport. In this article, we take a closer look at the environmental impact of the digital sector. Although specific needs are evolving, overall requirements remain the same. A few years ago, the overall need was to make more money by spending less. Today, the need is to keep our businesses viable while taking into account the scarcity of our planet's resources and their over-exploitation. The famous day when we consume the equivalent of a year's worth of the planet's production is arriving earlier and earlier every year. Today, companies are increasingly aware of this environmental constraint and need to become "greener". The carbon footprint is ultimately a good indicator of pollution, even if it should not be considered the only one. In our technical choices, we must give priority to this [...].

2024-05-15T14:24:55+02:009may2023|Unclassified, Digital|0 comment

Containerization in development and deployment

What is containerization and how does it work? Containerization is an increasingly popular concept in the software development world. Much lighter than traditional virtual machines, this technique allows applications and their dependencies to be grouped and managed in separate containers that are isolated from each other. You have to think of containerization as a system of layers. First, the OS, then the necessary functionality. Like virtualization, containerization is designed to isolate applications in a dedicated environment. However, its vision is more atomic and aims to reduce the scope of services as much as possible by isolating them from each other, whereas virtualization would tend to consider an ecosystem as a whole. Unlike virtualization, containerization has the advantage of not requiring the installation and configuration of a new virtualized system. [Here is a diagram illustrating the difference between a container and a virtual machine: (The host operating system is the main operating system on which a guest system, called the guest operating system, is running. The host operating system provides resources such as memory, processor, and hardware.

2024-01-09T15:19:49+01:006February2023|Data, Headlines, DevOps|0 comment

Infrastructure automation, how to achieve it?

How do you get more flexibility, resilience, security, and reliability? Infrastructure automation is becoming the number one issue for organizations operating today's sprawling systems. Rigor and a lot of team support are needed to succeed in what is likely to be a strategic project. Infrastructure? One more important place. The IT department has come a long way. Gigantic at times, it is from it that we expect tomorrow's business models, in line with an economy that is more digital than ever. Its management sits on the COMEX, its decisions and the directions it takes set the company on tormented and visionary roads, increasingly upsetting our technological conceptions. In a few years, the static data for which the infrastructures were designed have become insufficient in the face of the flood of unstructured data and its commercial potential. As a result, infrastructures have profoundly evolved to absorb, process and manage the new information flows. They can also and above all provide the resources needed to think, develop and operate all the tools, applications, technical and business solutions dedicated to human activity. Then, the environments grew in turn when virtualization and containers made [...]

2024-05-15T14:49:10+02:00October 24, 2022|Uncategorized|0 comment

Current issues and the future of cloud and infrastructure.

Current issues and the future of cloud and infrastructure. In this interview, we asked Michael Benaroch, pre-sales director at the BU Cloud Infrastructure, several questions. The goal is to take stock of the current situation and establish tangible elements concerning the future of this very important branch of IT: cloud and infrastructure. What are the challenges in the world of Cloud and Infrastructure in 2022? "There are several challenges for our customers today. We need to be able to accelerate the time to market, i.e., the speed at which infrastructure is made available. To be able to expose these infrastructure services to end customers through provisioning portals. These two factors will inevitably generate increased consumption and potentially exponentially! Behind all this, there is a strong financial stake. We need to analyze and take this issue into account when accompanying the transformation. One of the solutions is to choose open source. The key is to save money on a large scale, especially on licenses. Today Blue Soft is a committed, independent, reliable and vendor agnostic player. We are able to address the entire chain of [...]

2024-01-09T15:40:06+01:00September 21, 2022|Headlines|0 comment

Infrastructure as Code, when Dev takes precedence over Ops...

Infrastructure as Code has made its appearance in our information systems to reconcile or revolutionize both dev and ops. Let's discover here the key success factors of this method. ... provided that there is close collaboration at the outset Infrastructure as Code revolutionizes software engineering by bringing coherence between environments, which has been lacking until now in versioning and testing. That said, IaC also brings with it a transformation of methods, which implies a little caution and should not make us forget the primordial role of infrastructure engineers, to the benefit of development teams. IaC, faster and better Infrastructure as Code or IaC aims to codify the infrastructure made available to enterprise applications. In particular, it enables the same technical envelope to be reproduced in an automated way, and continuously if necessary, on all useful environments (development, integration, pre-production or production environments). In short, the primary advantage of IaC and the standardization it enables is that it considerably accelerates the deployment of environments while guaranteeing their consistency. This race to the top can sometimes leave one wondering. Ten years ago, speed was already the promise of Cloud through a PaaS offering predefined modeling. If, [...]

2024-05-15T14:35:09+02:002June2022|DevOps, Headlines|0 comment

Is the choice of its IT infrastructure decisive for your organization?

How to choose your IT infrastructure? When it has been chosen according to technological developments or announcements, the IT infrastructure can become a very heterogeneous complex: a database here, an application there, an integration that is never completed... All of which adds to the workload of the business. And, to top it all off, it can make you more vulnerable to cyber attacks. But is it really so important to rethink the choice of IT infrastructure? Yes, because an aging infrastructure is the opposite of the agility and flexibility that will prepare the company for tomorrow's world. But there's no moralizing here. Instead, let's look at the elements to take into account and the existing solutions to know why and how to migrate your IT infrastructure. A good choice of IT infrastructure integrates resources, environments and strategy The human factor remains at the heart of the decision The first thing to look at is your team. What skills does it have? What are the upcoming recruitments? What is the team's level of maturity? If it relies on its internal resources, the IT department must adapt its choices. However, the company can reach its objective more quickly [...]

2023-12-04T15:52:13+01:00January 18, 2022|DevOps|0 comment

Automating my infrastructure: is it worth it?

How can we meet the ever-increasing infrastructure provisioning needs of an increasingly connected and demanding world? Is infrastructure automation a viable solution to meet these needs? In an increasingly open world where services are available to consumers globally from mobile applications or via the web and continuously, any downtime or slowdown is no longer accepted and tolerated by users. Applications are more and more demanding in terms of infrastructure resources due to the fact that application loads are constantly adapted or because new applications or new functionalities have to be implemented in order to offer new services to its users or consumers. Is automating your infrastructure worth it? Automation: an essential step for large companies Large groups are defined by complex situations: The volume of data is expressed in Terabytes or Petabytes; Technology is directly integrated with support functions such as financial management or human resources; Employees are counted in the hundreds, as are their needs. For them, it is impossible to consider the [...]

2024-01-09T15:58:04+01:00October13, 2021|DevOps, Data|0 comments

Infrastructure automation: 5 key trends CIOs are watching

More than 90% of companies will work with an automation architect by 2025, compared to less than 20% today, according to Gartner. The stakes of infrastructure automation are high for I&O (Infrastructure & Operations) teams. Indeed, more and more organizations, such as large corporations and small and medium-sized companies, are using infrastructure automation based on artificial intelligence (AI or Infrastructure Automation) and machine learning. The advantages are obvious: tasks previously performed manually (installation, configuration, maintenance of the infrastructure) can now be performed by software. This not only saves time, but also reduces errors. It is therefore normal that IT departments are interested in this and are starting to implement such solutions in the information system. It is a question at the heart of the competitiveness of companies. Gartner even popularizes the term hyperautomation, a notion that encompasses the whole trend around automating the entire organization, beyond the IT infrastructure. When it comes to IT infrastructure, there are several ways to implement an automation strategy. The Gartner study highlights the ones that inspire "the most confidence": VMware [...]

2024-01-09T16:00:39+01:00September 7, 2021|Digital|0 comment
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