L’avenir de l’automatisation des infrastructures IT

Alors que l'automatisation continue de transformer le paysage des infrastructures IT, il est crucial d'anticiper les tendances émergentes et leur impact potentiel sur les entreprises et les professionnels du secteur. Cet article explore les développements futurs de l'automatisation IT et leurs implications. Tendances émergentes de l'automatisation IT IA [...]

L’avenir de l’automatisation des infrastructures IT2024-09-17T09:30:19+02:00

Comprendre les niveaux de supports pour la gestion de vos infrastructures

Dans un monde où la technologie évolue à un rythme effréné, la gestion efficace des infrastructures informatiques est devenue un enjeu crucial pour les entreprises de toutes tailles. Au cœur de cette gestion se trouve le support infrastructure, qui peut faire la différence entre une infrastructure robuste et [...]

Comprendre les niveaux de supports pour la gestion de vos infrastructures2024-09-17T09:45:31+02:00

What is CI/CD? Understanding continuous integration and deployment

Table of contents What is CI/CD? Understanding continuous integration and deployment In the world of software development, there are two types of people: those who have already adopted CI/CD, and those who soon will! CI/CD (Continuous [...]

What is CI/CD? Understanding continuous integration and deployment2024-08-28T16:48:35+02:00

Monolith vs. Microservices: Which architecture should you choose for your application?

Table of contents The choice of software architecture is a crucial decision when designing an application. It has a direct impact on its maintainability, scalability and performance. Two approaches are frequently opposed: monolithic architecture and microservices architecture. A monolith is an autonomous application grouping together [...]

Monolith vs. Microservices: Which architecture should you choose for your application?2024-08-28T16:48:46+02:00

Containerization in development and deployment

What is containerization and how does it work? Containerization is an increasingly popular concept in the world of software development. Much lighter than traditional virtual machines, this technique enables applications and their dependencies to be grouped and managed in separate containers [...].

Containerization in development and deployment2024-10-03T15:10:33+02:00

Infrastructure automation, how to achieve it?

How can we achieve greater flexibility, resilience, security and reliability? Infrastructure automation is fast becoming the No. 1 issue for organizations operating today's sprawling systems. Rigor and a great deal of team support are required to make a success of what is likely to be a strategic project. [...]

Infrastructure automation, how to achieve it?2024-08-14T10:13:32+02:00

Current and future challenges for cloud and infrastructure

Current issues and the future of cloud and infrastructure. In this interview, we put a number of questions to Michael Benaroch, BU Pre-Sales Director Cloud Infrastructure. The aim was to take stock of the current situation and establish some tangible points concerning the future of this [...] industry.

Current and future challenges for cloud and infrastructure2024-08-14T10:16:30+02:00

Infrastructure as Code, when Dev takes precedence over Ops...

Infrastructure as code has made its appearance in our information systems to reconcile or revolutionize both dev and ops. Let's take a look at the key success factors of this method. ... subject to close collaboration at the outset Infrastructure as Code revolutionizes software engineering by bringing coherence [...].

Infrastructure as Code, when Dev takes precedence over Ops...2024-08-14T10:18:50+02:00

Is the choice of its IT infrastructure decisive for your organization?

Comment faire le choix de son infrastructure IT ? Quand elle a été choisie au gré des évolutions technologiques ou des effets d’annonces, l’infrastructure informatique peut devenir un complexe très hétérogène : une base de données par ici, une application par-là, une intégration jamais terminée… De quoi alourdir la [...]

Is the choice of its IT infrastructure decisive for your organization?2024-11-07T12:48:02+01:00
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